For children and youth, Come Follow Me lessons for Primary and home, family night, Sunday School, Seminary, scripture study
Zion or Bust! Handcart Checklist
OBJECTIVE: To help youth understand that the living prophet is called by God.
LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITY: Review enrichment activity for D&C 38 lesson for which this activity illustrates (see below*).

ACTIVITY: Zion or Bust! Handcart Checklist
Help youth think ahead, just as the Mormon pioneers had to measure and plan what they would take in their 4′ x 5′ handcart. The pioneers were led by Brigham Young to the Salt Lake Valley. Choose from the items written on the border, and draw inside and outside the handcart what each child would take to Zion.
TO MAKE Print or copy and color the checklist for each youth.
THOUGHT TREAT: Hit-the-Trail Treats. Let children try dried fruits, vegetables, or jerky, and remind them that these foods were taken along the pioneer trail.
SCRIPTURE CARDS: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
D&C 112:30 “For unto you, the Twelve, and those, the First Presidency, who are appointed with you to be your counselors and your leaders, is the power of this priesthood given, for the last days and for the last time, in the which is the dispensation of the fulness of times.”
*ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE LESSON D&C 38 (illustrated in the above activity):
“Give each child a piece of paper and a pencil. Have the children write down things they would take with them if they had to leave their homes and travel a long distance in a wagon or handcart. Have them share their lists and discuss the items they have chosen.
Show the children the dimensions of a wagon or handcart (approximately 58 inches [147 cm] long and 45 inches [114 cm] wide). You may want to mark the space on the floor with tape or string. Ask the children to look at their lists again and determine how many of the items on the list would fit and how many would have to be left behind.
Invite the children to share and discuss their lists with their families.”