YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. With this Plan of Salvation – Choosing Choices poster presentation youth can learn they make divine destiny decisions.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary Sharing Time, Primary and Home lessons, Young Women & Men, Seminary, Sunday School, Family Home Evening
Plan of Salvation Choosing Choices
(Divine Destiny Decisions)
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn of Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness and how their choices affect their divine destiny. Use this activity as a basic sharing time board to talk about decisions that affect our destiny.

EXAMPLE: The Fall was part of God’s plan for us to experience mortality. Talk about how the Fall was a blessing so that we can come to earth to gain a body and prove we can be strong, to prepare to live in God’s presence again. Recite the Articles of Faith 1:2.
See detailed ideas in the pdf instructions. You will learn about the following: Premortal Life, Earth Life, Life after Death, Three Degrees of Glory
1. Print/copy, color, and cut out the Plan of Salvation images and cards.
2. Laminate.
3. Cut out a plastic image of boy and girl using heavy plastic (see #2 below). String a clothesline, then punch and attach images.
Detailed in the pdf – how to mount visuals on a string, how to present The Plan of Salvation phases by asking questions and moving the plastic spirits over the children images as they travel from one existence to the other.
The Activity covers the different phases of life: Premortal Life, Earth Life, Life After Death, and Three Degrees of Glory*, and Outer Darkness. Ask children to tell you what they know about these phases of life and more. Place visuals on the board as you talk about each.
*SYMBOLS for Three Degrees of Glory: Celestial Kingdom (sun), Terrestrial Kingdom (moon), and Telestial Kingdom (star).
THOUGHT TREAT: Cookie Map – Plan of Salvation (detailed in the pdf DOWNLOAD) to help children visualize the plan as you talk about choices and where they want to go and how they want to be a part of God’s plan.
Source 2008.1