Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home, Children and Youth, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, and Bible Study (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)
My Special Body (Is a Temple)Tic-Tac-Toe Game
OBJECTIVE: Remind youth that temples are places where Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father can come. Our body is like a temple, and God’s Holy Spirit can come and dwell in us. To make this possible, we must not let any unclean thing enter our body or defile it (show the 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 scripture poster to download HERE).

1. Print/copy, color, and cut out My Special Body Tic-Tac-Toe game board “X” and “O” game pieces.
2. You will need to create the game board by placing tape on a large poster, leaving space for the “X” and “O” pieces to fit inside. Or, draw lines on the board.
1. Talk about the objective above. Tell youth about the game pieces: The “X” pieces tell why our body is a temple and why we are “X”-tra special. The “O” pieces tell what we can do to care for our special body.
2. To play the My Special Body Tic-Tac-Toe game, divide youth into two groups to take turns drawing an X or an O for their team and placing it on the game board. Players alternate, placing Xs for one team and Os for the other team. Play until team players place three Xs or Os in a row to win (vertically, diagonally, or horizontally).
3. With each play, have youth read their X or O game piece.
4. Keep all Xs and the Os that are drawn from the container until they are all drawn, then replace them in the container to draw from again.
5. If all squares are filled before a team wins, have someone say, “My body is a temple.”
THOUGHT TREAT: XOXO Cookies. Make XOXO cookies or crackers by drawing the letters on tops of cookies (with frosting) or crackers (with cheese from a can or tube). Talk about how Heavenly Father and Jesus created our special bodies and wants us to take care of them. This is a way we can honor and thank Them. This is like sending hugs and kisses (XOXO) back to Them.