POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. MY BODY IS A TEMPLE Happy Head brainstorm. Children and youth can’t be happy if they dot let bad thoughts inside their heads. This exercise will help them make better choices, replacing bad with the good, saying “I will fill my head with good instead.” 

My Body Is a Temple: Keep Thoughts Pure – Happy-Head = Happy Actions Brainstorm

Use for COME FOLLOW ME – CHILDREN & YOUTH: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, and Seminary

“I will fill my head with good instead.”
My Body Is a Temple: Keep Thoughts Pure – Happy-Head = Happy Actions Brainstorm


OBJECTIVE: Help youth brainstorm to learn that thinking pure thoughts will help make us happy, and when we think good thoughts, our words and actions are pure. This will increase our faith and desire to keep the commandments. This way the Holy Ghost can speak to your mind and heart.

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), Sunday School, SeminaryTO MAKE VISUALS:

1. Print, color, and cut out the visuals and thought wordstrips. Mount head pieces together as directed, and laminate.

2. Using the pattern, cut out a plastic head pocket out of sheet protector and follow instructions on the pattern.

3. Glue thoughts on the back of the matching smile or frown faces.


1. Tell youth, “Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, and we can’t be happy if we let bad thoughts inside our head. If a bad thought enters our head, we can replace it with a good thought by saying, “I will fill my head with good instead.” We need to have plenty of good thoughts to think about so if bad thoughts come to our mind, we can replace them quickly (e.g., we can hum our favorite Primary song or bring to our mind a poem, saying, or scripture).

2. Have youth take turns drawing a smile or frown circle and reading the action on the back (e.g.,”No one likes me” [frown], or “I feel happy when I choose the right” [smile]). Place the smiles inside the head and the frowns at the bottom. Help children name a good thought to replace each bad thought found on the frowns. Have children tell how the smiles (good thoughts) and the frowns (bad thoughts) affect their actions. 
3. Read 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 as part of discussion: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”

More Lesson Ideas

Teach the theme using the concepts below and the above activity.

. LESSON IDEAS: When I dress modestly, I respect my body as a gift from God . . . Read More (see #4)

THOUGHT TREAT: Happy Brain Food. Serve favorite fruits and vegetables, whole grain crackers, cheese, and other foods that make one healthy. Tell youth that when we eat healthy food we feel good, we have energy, and our mind is clear. Compare that with junk food that can do just the opposite. Say, “Every day we make choices of happy decisions; let’s keep our mind and body full of the right things.

. LESSON LIFESAVER My Modesty Checklist . . . READ MORE
Modesty and Appearance: Printable Quotes and Activities to Motivate Youth,

My Body Is a Temple: Keep Thoughts Pure – Happy Head/Happy Actions Brainstorm – Post-and-Present Activity for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening

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