POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. SECOND COMING: Jesus Is Knocking at the Door; Are You Ready? preparation ponder. Youth can ask themselves if they are ready to receive the Savior today. What would they do or say? What actions would they change? They draw situations (hearts) and tell how they will prepare.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Young Men, Primary Sharing Time, or Activity Days
Jesus Is Knocking at the Door–Are You Ready? (preparation ponder)
OBJECTIVE: Help youth think of choices they should be making in order to be ready to meet the Savior.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print/copy, color, and cut out the visuals shown. Follow instructions to mount on the poster.

1. Show the picture of Jesus knocking at the door (GAK – 237) or open the door of the visual (shown). Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him …” (Revelation 3:20).
2. In Moroni 7:48, we learn that Jesus Christ wants us to be like Him, to be “purified even as he is pure.” This comes from our daily choices. If the Savior were to come to your house today, what would you do? What would you say? What actions would you change?
3. Let’s ask ourselves, “Am I ready?” (point to the door). Have youth take turns coming up, choosing a situation heart, and saying how he/she would act to prepare for the Savior or if Jesus were right beside them.
THOUGHT TREAT: Are You Ready? Door Cookie – shown (or Cookie House* shown below). Cut out and a door-shaped cookie like the one shown here out of sugar cookie dough. Bake cookie and frost, then decorate door placing a “?” (question mark). Ask youth to ponder what they could do better to prepare for Jesus’s second coming. No man knows the day or the hour. Other options: (1) A clock cookie with no hands “as no one knows the hour,” or (2) A heart-shaped cookie heart cookie indicating “I would love to see Jesus.”