POST-AND-PRESENT PLUS ACTIVITIES. THE BLESSED BEATITUDES poster presentation, quiz game, puzzle, mirror motivator cards. Youth can learn the Sermon on the Mount Jesus gave to over 5,000 people called the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11). THESE ARE ATTITUDES ON HOW TO “BEE” HAPPY. There are four different ways to learn these attitudes, e.g. Be Merciful, etc.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME Sunday School and Family Night Fun, Bible Class, Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evening, Activity Days
The beatitudes are blessings from Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-11).
OBJECTIVE: Activities will help you teach youth to learn ways to be happy. These come from the teachings of Jesus when He gave the Sermon on the Mount called “The Beatitudes.” Thousands of people (over 5,000) gathered on a hillside to listen to Jesus. He often taught in parables, but this time He told us 11 ways to “BEE” HAPPY.

TO MAKE VISUALS: Print/color and cut out the visuals in color or black and white (to color). Cut out images. Fold blocks and tape edges and lid. You’ll need toothpicks to attach bee sign to bagels (see THOUGHT TREAT).
Say, Let’s get an attitude towards the beatitudes that Jesus Christ gave–His Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes tell us what we can do to be happy and how we can get to heaven. The Beatitudes give us hope, they build our faith, they can give us peace as we live each action. Each action has a special promise attached to it, like “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” See Matthew 5:8.
Jesus gave nine blessings in Matthew 5:3-12. Each BEATITUDE starts with a GOOD ATTITUDE. Think as Jesus thought, of the happiness that can come from living His teachings given so long ago–they still apply today. Remember that you can’t beat a good attitude, so BE A BEATITUDE BELIEVER . . . follow the bees and be believing. Believe that if you try them you can live as would want you to live and BEE HAPPY!
The Blessed “Bee”-atitudes POST-AND-PRESENT
Review the Beatitudes promises from Jesus and the promises each bee makes for each. Have youth draw a word-strip (cue card) and read, then find the matching bee – Beatitude and place it near the hive (shown).
Bee-atitude Blockbuster Quiz Game
Learn the Beatitudes by guessing the missing words written on the Beatitude blocks. To play, divide into two teams. Take turns rolling one block at a time, alternating blocks.
Play for points (the first to earn 100 points wins):
. 10 Points – Land on “Bee-atitude Blessing” and find the missing word in the scriptures
. 20 Points – Guess the missing word
. 20 Points – Land on “Bee-atitude Blockbuster”
. 20 Points – Land on “Buzz Your Way to Heaven”
Bee-atitude Circle/Dots/Hearts match puzzle
Review the Beatitudes Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Each bee-attitude is in a honeycomb shape. Matchup circles, dots, and hearts on all sides.
Bee-atitude Mirror Motivator cards
Use these one-a-day cards to post on the mirror to serve as reminders to keep these special commandments and think about the blessings associated with each.
. Honey Buzz Taffy. Honey reminds that heaven is sweet. Jesus gave us the Beatitudes to show us the sweetest way to heaven. This recipe makes 35 pieces of taffy. All you need is 1 cup of honey and some waxed paper.
1. Heat honey to boiling stage and cook on medium heat 7-10 minutes, stirring often.
2. Test for crackle stage. Drop 1/2 teaspoon of boiling honey into 1/2 cup cold water. If honey forms a soft or medium-soft ball, it’s done.
3. Butter a surface and pour honey onto the surface to cool 3 minutes. Pull taffy with buttered fingers until light and porous. The more butter you add the softer the taffy. Cut into pieces and wrap with waxed paper or plastic wrap.
. “Bee”-atitude Bagles. Cut a ready-made bagel in half and spread sweet cream cheese mixture on top (a mixture of 1/2 cream cheese and 1/2 honey or jam). Cut out the “‘Bee’a buzzy bee-atitude believer!” sign. Insert a toothpick into two dots (on the sign) and insert sign onto bagel top.
- Teachings of Jesus Bring Happiness – John 15:11 scripture poster
CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. BEE-ATITUDE BLESSINGS wheel. Children can create this Beatitudes wheel to learn how to be happy. Jesus taught these Beatitudes during His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12). Jesus said by living these we can be blessed and eternally happy. Joseph Smith also added words that were missing in these in the Bible. See these. The wheel reads, “By living the Beatitudes I will “bee” blessed and “bee”come more like Heavenly Father. READ MORE
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. BEE-ATITUDES Beatitude crossmatch. Children and youth can remember these beatitudes to buzz happily through life. Living these ways to be happy from Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount from the Bible (Matthew 5) and sharing these with the Nephites in the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 12). Draw a line from the Blessed are … to the beatitude. For example “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” READ MORE