SINGING TIME ACTIVITIES to Motivate Children to Sing
TEMPLE FLOWERS “Bee” a Singer pick-a-song, singing commands (find bee hiding)
11 pages (color/black-and-white visuals and instructions)
DESCRIPTION: Let’s enjoy the beauty of the temple flowers with a song posted on the back and find an occasional bee that will indicate singing directions.

OBJECTIVE: Children can choose a flower to sing a song and a bee to select the way to sing a song, e.g., with eyes closed. See Singing Commands* below. Ask children to come up and choose a flower. Sing the song on the back of the flower chosen.
If a child finds a bee behind the flower, ask children to sing the song the way the bee suggests (see #4 below). Bee hides behind flower to indicate who and how the song will be sung.
- Cut out and mount the temple, and temple grounds on a large poster and laminate the entire poster.
- Cut out the flowers and bees and mount on cardstock paper, and laminate.
- Write the names and page numbers of the songs children are familiar with on the backs of the 12 flowers.
- On the back of each of the 6 bees, write an action (examples shown).
*SINGING COMMANDS (to place on back of bees):
Ask children to come up and choose a flower. Sing the song on the back of the flower chosen. If a child finds a bee behind the flower, ask children to sing the song the way the bee suggests (see #4 above).
BEE ACTIONS (write on the back of each bee):
Sing standing up.
Sing with arms folded.
Sing with eyes closed.
Sing turned around.
Boys only sing.
Girls only sing.
Sing with head hanging down.
Sing standing on your left leg only.
Sing holding your nose.
Sing facing the person next to you.
Sing holding your hands behind your back.
Sing looking up.