$2.50 STOP AND GO! clues to stop or start singing: Primary Music Singing Time Activities to Motivate Children to Sing, download from GospelGrabBag.comPRIMARY MUSIC SINGING TIME ACTIVITIES to Motivate Children to Sing
STOP AND GO! commands to stop or start singing

5 pages (color/black-and-white visuals and instructions)

DESCRIPTION: Use these fun signs to keep children’s attention while singing.


  1. When you or a child holds up the GO sign, everyone is to sing.
    2. When you or the child holds up the STOP sign, everyone is to be silent.

Warn Singers. “You must keep your eyes on the signs. Don’t miss your chance to sing, at “GO” let your voices sing! At “STOP” you must stop, or you may find yourself singing alone!


Mount the signs on cardstock paper, cut out, and laminate. Optional: Attach a popsicle stick or tongue depressor on the back of the sign for easy holding.

LESSON IDEAS: See Come Follow Me ideas in the lesson as follows (or HERE, using the STOP AND GO signs above): “Display a picture of Jesus Christ, and then describe choices a young child might make. For each good choice, ask the children to take a step toward the picture. For each bad choice, ask them to take a step away from it.”

LDS Primary Singing Time, Fun Song Activities, “Stop and Go!” commands to stop or start singing, Music leader, sharing time, family home evening

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