POST-AND-PRESENT. OUR PROPHET SPEAKS match or choice cube. Play the MATCH game by matching “call-out” messages from our prophet. To deepen the discussion, add the CHOICE CUBE option to the activity. First, choose a “call-out” message and then roll the cube and then answer that question with that choice. For example, if they choose “Pray often” and roll “WHY is this important” on the cube they might say, “Because this way I can stay close to Heavenly Father and receive inspiration and guidance.”
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Primary and Home
Our Prophet Speaks – Choice Cube ponder & match game
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn about commandments God wants us to obey and the reasons. Spotlight the prophet and his “call-out” choices he wants us to make. TWO WAYS TO PLAY: 1) Rolling the Choice Cube and answering one question about their chosen action, or 2) Playing the Match Game to “call out” choices the prophet counsels us to make.

TO MAKE Print prophet sign, cube, and call-out cards. Cut out and laminate.
INTRODUCTION: Help youth learn WHY it is important to listen to the prophet, WHAT happens if they disobey the prophet, and HOW they are blessed as they listen and obey.
1. Start by talking about the various sides of the cube questions.
2. Then have the youth take turns drawing a commandment that the prophet has told us God wants us to obey (posting it next to the prophet).
3. Roll the cube and answer the question WHY, WHAT, or HOW that the cube falls to concerning that choice. For example, if they choose “Pray often” and roll “WHY is this important?” on the Choice Cube, they might say, “Because this way I can stay close to Heavenly Father and receive inspiration and guidance.”
TO MAKE Print prophet sign and two sets of call-out cards. Cut out and laminate.
1. Divide into teams
2. Place the call-out cards facedown on the board with a complete set on each side of the prophet’s picture.
3. Take turns turning two cards over to make a match. When a match is made say, “Our Prophet Speaks” and then say the action.
4. To shorten the time or customize it to a younger group, select the cards you wish to display.
THOUGHT TREAT: CTR Cinnamon Crackers. Spread butter on crackers and then cinnamon and sugar. Toast 1 minute in the oven. Frost with frosting in a tube the letters “C” on the first cracker, “T” on the second, and “R” on the third cracker (for each child/youth). As they eat have them tell 1-3 ways they wish to follow the prophet or make the right choices.
THIS ACTIVITY CAN BE USED FOR Primary Sharing Time THEME: CHOOSE THE RIGHT – May Weeks 1 and 2 Theme: The Living Prophets Lead the Church Under the Direction of Jesus Christ”
CHURCH Sharing Time Outline Suggests:
Encourage understanding (discussing the prophet’s teachings): Show the children the most recent conference issue of the Ensign or Liahona. Explain that at general conference, the prophet teaches us what Jesus Christ wants us to do. Select sentences from the prophet’s talks, and invite children to read them aloud. Together, make a list of things the children could do to follow the prophet.
Gospel Grab Bag Suggests: “The Prophet Speaks” Choice Cube and Match Game . . . DOWNLOAD HERE (shown).
EXAMPLE: Primary Sharing Time THEME: CHOOSE THE RIGHT – May Weeks 1 and 2 Theme: The Living Prophets Lead the Church Under the Direction of Jesus Christ”
Gospel Grab Bag Suggestions: Use the Post-and-Present Activity: The Prophet is Our Coach (Heavenly Home-Run Baseball) . . . to DOWNLOAD HERE (shown).