YOUTH ACTIVITY. LOVEY’S SERVICE STATION love and service brainstorm. Youth think of simple service acts at home, school, and church that they can do and learn that true happiness comes from their service.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary lessons, Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Lovey’s Service Station (Love & Serve Brainstorm)
OBJECTIVE: Help children think of simple acts of service they can do each day at home, school, and at church, and learn that true happiness comes from serving others.

TO MAKE Copy, color, and cut out the images and word strips that follow. You’ll need 12 cars (make three copies). Mount the service station parts on a poster as shown and laminate the entire poster. Glue situations on the back of cars, then laminate cars and cut out. Mount the broken cars around the room. Option: Find a picture of Jesus washing the Apostles’ feet.
1. Tell children, “Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to serve and help others without asking for something in return. He knows that this is the only way we can be happy. When Jesus was on the earth, He washed the feet of the Apostles (John 13:1–7). They wore sandals, and their feet were dusty and dirty. Jesus wanted to serve them because of His love for them. Through this service, they knew Jesus loved them. We too can show our family, friends, neighbors, and those at Church that we care about them. Let’s find cars that need repair and people that need care and take them to Lovey’s Service Station to learn how we can fix their cars, help them, and send them on their way.” Demonstrate by moving a car to a station in front of the Jalopy “Junk”tion sign, then move it to the Ready-to-roll! sign.
2. Have children take turns choosing a car, reading the description, and parking it in front of the Jalopy “Junk”tion sign. The description tells the problem with the car and the person that is driving the car. As children drive their broken down cars to the Lovey’s Service Station for repair, encourage them to have fun, e.g., make broken-down rough-engine noises (squeak, clank-clank).
3. Tell ways the Lovey’s Service Station can repair the car and help the person driving the car. Then park (mount) the car in front of the Ready-to-Roll! sign for a second, then drive them off, making “zoom” and “purring-engine” sounds.
4. Repeat until all cars are serviced and people served.
THOUGHT TREAT: Car Cookies, or Lifesaver Candies Car.
1. CAR COOKIES: Using a car-shaped cookie cutter cut out sugar-cookie cars, bake, and frost.
2. LIFESAVER CANDIES CAR: For each youth glue four round candies on the front and back two sides (for wheels) onto a package of Lifesaver candies (wrapped) for the car body. Use frosting for the glue.
Talk about how we need to keep ourselves in tip-top shape if we are to serve others. Think of ourselves as a car that needs to be in good repair, gassed up, washed, and ready to serve at any moment).