Use for Come Follow Me, Sunday School, Young Women, Activity Days, Family Home Evening, Seminary, Christian Activities
Many Hidden Talents
crossword puzzle
OBJECTIVE: Help youth find the many talents they can develop throughout their life.
TO MAKE Print, color and cut out the Many Hidden Talents crossword puzzle.
ACTIVITY. FILL IN THE PUZZLE. Follow the puzzle instructions to find them (see answers in the pdf). Have youth highlight the talents they wish to pursue.
Explore some of the ways people discover their talents.

WHAT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE TALENTS? “I don’t have any talents. I can’t play an instrument, sing, dance, or draw. And I’m not a very good student.”
New Era – “Not all talents require an audience. It’s great when someone can play music or act or do well in school. But to limit talents just to public performance is unfair. Many are blessed with more personal abilities, such as being a good listener or helping others to feel comfortable.” READ MORE . . .
1 Samuel 16:7 [1 Sam. 16:7] states that God looks on the heart, not on the outward appearance of a man, and I believe that we should also. We need to search beneath a person’s outer shell to find his true worth. It has been said, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I found out the hard way that this saying still rings true. So the next time you begin to think of someone as a nobody, or a loner, remember to look within—for there may lie endless hidden treasure. READ THE STORY . . .
TALENT SHOW, SKITS, AND BANANA SPLITS: Have an evening with Young Women and Young Men to share their talents or put on skits. End the evening with banana splits. Have youth tell you ahead of time their talent and how many minutes they will need to perform, then make up the program.
HIDDEN TALENT NIGHT: Use this time to help youth discover their talents. Then spotlight them.
Gather pictures of each youth and information from their parents of their talents, placing these on 3″ x 5″ cards. Be prayerful about each entry so shy individuals will not be offended if they want to keep their talent secret (you may even ask each youth if this is okay to display).
Just before the spotlight display a photo of each youth with a number posted on their picture. Display a stack of 3″ x 5″ cards on the table and ask youth to write on each card what they like about each youth and their talents. Place their number at the top to identify them.
Gather comment cards and place them in an envelope with their name and picture to take home (reviewing them before . . . if time, spotlight each by reading one or two of the best comments about each).