POST-AND-PRESENT. STORIES OF JESUS Heart-to-Heart Match Game. As youth match hearts with hearts they can get to know the Savior and His purpose for coming to earth. The “2B” JESUS HEART tell how Jesus showed His love. Example: “Jesus showed His love by being baptized to show that everyone must be baptized.” This matches the “2A” SYMBOL HEART “John the Baptist asked Jesus, who had never sinned, why He wanted to be baptized.”
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, Daily Scripture Devotionals, Young Women, Activity Days
Post-and-Present Activity
Stories of Jesus
Heart-to-Heart match game
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn the reasons why Jesus chose to come to earth and how He showed His love for all mankind. Children will really take these stories to heart as they see how Jesus really loves everyone (each and every one of them).
1. Print the hearts and word strips (making five copies of the Jesus-hearts page).

2. CUT OUT HEARTS AND WORD-STRIPS IN THIS ORDER or the images and words will get mixed up.
Step 1. Cut out the symbol (image) hearts, but FIRST write the number next to the heart on the back.
Step 2. Cut out the Jesus (image) hearts.
Step 3. Cut out one set of number word strips at a time and do the following:
• Glue the B-word strip that has the symbol is written on it, e.g. 1B (earth) on the back of a Jesus (image) heart.
• Then glue the A-word strip on the back of the symbol (image) heart to match up with the symbol noted on the B word-strip.
3. Post hearts on the board, poster, or wall (as shown):
• Post the symbol hearts on the left side.
• Post the Jesus hearts on the right side.
Note: For younger children, display fewer hearts.
- Talk about the objective above and explain, “The pictures (symbol-hearts) on the left tell about the time Jesus was on the earth. While He was here He organized His Church, taught others about Heavenly Father’s plan, and He became our Savior. The hearts on the right tell how Jesus showed His love to us. Let’s match them up to learn the stories of Jesus.”
- Match-up Hearts. Have youth take turns coming up one at a time to choose a symbol-heart on the left and read the back. Then turn over a Jesus heart on the right and read it to make a match. If the hearts don’t match, return hearts to the same spot. If a match is made, move the hearts to the bottom or right of the board. Note: If playing in teams, award a point for each match. The team with the most matches wins.
THOUGHT TREAT: Heart-beat Goodies. Using heart-shaped cookie cutters cut heart shapes using slices of bread and fill with tuna or chicken salad. Or, cut out sugar cookies with heart cutters. Or, add processed cheese from a can to draw a heart on crackers or toast.
Talk about how Jesus has really touched our heart as he showed His love (reviewing the stories on the activity above).
Lesson Ideas:
- Jesus Christ organized His Church when He lived on the earth (A of F 1:6; Primary 2, lesson 42; Gospel Principles, chapter 16).
- Jesus taught the gospel and set the example by the way He lived (Matthew 5-7; Primary 2, lesson 15; Family Home Evening Resource Book, lesson 12).
- Jesus atoned for our sins. We can repent and live with Him and Heavenly Father again (Alma 34:9-17; 3 Nephi 9:21-22; Primary 7, lesson 30; Gospel Principles, chapter 12).
- Jesus Christ died and was resurrected. Because He overcame death, we will be resurrected after we die, along with all of Heavenly Father’s children who have lived on the earth (John 19:1-18; 20:11-20; Alma 11:42-45; Easter lesson from Primary 1-4 or Primary 6).