POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BUILD-A-MISSIONARY teaching puzzle and scripture chase game. Youth can roll a die for a puzzle piece to teach about a gospel subject. Or, say “Scripture Chase!” to find scripture on the gospel subject. Subject Ideas: Word of Wisdom, temples, baptism, plan of salvation, faith, testimony, fasting, prayer.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary lessons, Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Build-a-Missionary teaching puzzle and Scripture Chase Game
OBJECTIVE: Prepare to be a missionary by teaching about a gospel subject or finding a scripture so you will be ready to tell someone about the gospel.
TO MAKE Print and cut out the missionary body puzzle pieces, and gospel subject word-strips. Laminate for durability. Place word strips in a container to draw from.

HOW TO PLAY: Divide the class or group into teams or play as individuals, each with their own puzzle. First team or individual to complete the missionary puzzle wins!
Players must roll the number 1 first to obtain a torso puzzle piece. Each turn is one roll of the die. If the desired number is not rolled, the team or player must wait until their next turn. Pieces must be won by rolling the number indicated in order: 1) torso, 2) head, 3) legs, 4) arms, 5) feet, and finally 6) scriptures.
Once the correct number is rolled, do the following before the piece is awarded. The player draws a gospel subject (word-strips) and will “teach” in a few sentences, what they know about that subject, e.g., Word of Wisdom, temples, baptism, plan of salvation, etc. as though they were a missionary. Reciting an Article of Faith will also work if it relates to the subject. If the player doesn’t know about the subject, they can PASS but will need to wait until their next turn to draw another word strip without having to roll the die. Once a subject has been taught, the team or player is awarded the puzzle piece.
If you want to make this harder, if a gospel subject (word-strip) is drawn and the player does not know how to “teach” the subject, then instead of passing to their next turn, they can say “Scripture Chase!” Now all players can compete and are able to seize the chance to win a piece of their own puzzle by being the first to find a scripture about the subject. On the word “Go!” players flip to scripture as quickly as they can. Players are allowed to look up in the Topical Guide to find a reference if needed. The first player to find a scripture, get to it and read it, will get the next puzzle piece for their puzzle. Play resumes and the next player or team takes their turn.
THOUGHT TREAT: Missionary Gingerbread Boys and Girls. Decorate cookies by frosting on a missionary suit and tie or Sunday dress for the girls. Thought: Talk about how each can prepare for a mission by living the commandments, reading the scriptures, attending church, memorizing missionary scriptures, living the gospel, learning manners, learning to take care of our clothes and our room, cooking, and helping others.
• Review lesson 17 in the Primary 4 Book of Mormon manual about Ammon (Alma 17-19) ⇒