POST-AND-PRESENT. FRIEND-OR-FOE? Slap/flip game. Youth learn the difference between being a FRIEND and a FOE. A FRIEND is patient, cheerful, nice, and helpful. A FOE is like an enemy: impatient, not kind, grouchy, and uncaring.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
FRIEND OR FOE? slap/flip game
OBJECTIVE: Learn the difference between being a FRIEND and a FOE (someone who is not a friend). A FRIEND is patient, cheerful, nice, and helpful. A FOE is like an enemy: impatient, not kind, grouchy, and uncaring.

TO MAKE VISUALS Print in color or color and cut out the girl and boy smile/frown faces and situation cards (two sets of boys and two sets of girls). MOUNTING: (1) Mount faces as shown right creating two posters. (2) Mount the two faces front and back on paint sticks (as shown).
ACTIVITY: Give points to teams with right answers; team with most points wins!
#1 FRIEND-OR-FOE? SLAP GAME: Mount the face signs on the board, and line youth up in two teams facing their signs. The leader reads the top portion of the card and then one of the actions below (without saying FRIEND or FOE). The two players compete to see who slaps the right face first. Does the action make a friend SMILE, showing they are a FRIEND, or does the action make a friend FROWN, showing they are a FOE? You could also read the other action (FRIEND or FOE) and talk about it.
#2 FRIEND-OR-FOE? FLIP GAME: Divide youth into two teams, keeping them in their seats, or continue with the same teams as #1, only seated. Take turns choosing players in the teams to come up front to hold the faces on the sticks. Play the same as #1 above only now the two competing youth flip their face to the correct face/answer (FRIEND smile) or FOE frown).
THOUGHT TREAT: Popsicle Pals. Enjoy a popsicle or ice cream as you talk about ways to be pals, friends (not foes). Make a list of traits you would like to have in a friend and post them so you can talk about them frequently to refresh your “being a good friend” goals.