POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. PRIESTHOOD BLESSINGS show-and-tell. Youth can learn ways the priesthood blesses us, to: Bless a baby, baptize, confirm and give the power of the Holy Ghost, heal the sick, bless the sacrament and temple blessings. Children’s hands can be traced and placed next to specific blessings received.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School
Priesthood Blessings show-and-tell
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn ways the priesthood can bless their lives (shown) to: bless a baby, baptize, confirm and give the power of the Holy Ghost, heal the sick, bless the sacrament, and more.
TO MAKE Print, color, and cut out the visuals that follow. You may want to copy an “I have been blessed . . . ” card for each youth for the activity.

1. Mount the Jesus sign on the board or poster and read, “Priesthood holders have the power to act in the name of Jesus Christ.” Suggest to children, “Let’s post pictures of ways the priesthood blesses us.
2. Have children help mount the pictures on the board or poster and talk about each, guessing the priesthood blessing as you go. Talk about how the pictures have priesthood hands involved in giving blessings, baptizing, and passing the sacrament.
3. Give each child a card that reads “I have been blessed ….” Have them trace their hand on the card and then post it next to a “priesthood blessing” picture posted.
4. Beforehand, have several children prepare to tell how the priesthood has strengthened them.
5. Talk about how you might prepare to receive each priesthood blessing.
THOUGHT TREAT: Priesthood Blessings Hands. Obtain a hand-shaped cookie cutter or cut out cookie dough by tracing the child’s hand or have them leave a handprint to cut around. Bake and frost cookies. Tell children that the priesthood blessings are often given with hands laid upon the head to call upon Heavenly Father to bless the sick and often heal the sick (if it is God’s will they be blessed).
#Priesthood #PriesthoodBlessings #TheChurchofJesusChristofLatterdaySaints #LessonActivity #ComeFollowMe #BabyBlessing #Baptism #Baptized #Sacrament #BlesstheSacrament #GiftoftheHolyGhost #HealtheSick