Children Ages 1-5
Treat Bucket
Children love to be the ones to bring a treat to their class, especially if it is in the OFFICIAL TREAT BUCKET.
Instructions for what to bring are on the bucket label*.
PRINT the label in color or black-and-white and glue/tape it to an ice cream bucket or container (with or without a lid).
The ice cream bucket is ideal as it has a handle. Tie a ribbon on the handle. A handle can be made with sturdy wire. To cover the wire, add ribbon or colorful duct tape.
*There’s even an ALLERGY ALERT tag you can tie to the bucket if your class/group is allergic to specific foods, e.g., gluten, dairy.

IDEAL SNACK IDEAS: graham crackers, crackers, cheese sticks, canned fruit in 100% juice, bananas, applesauce pouches, muffins or brownies (mini-size are best), sliced apples or cucumbers, blueberries, cut up strawberries, chips, veggie snack crackers, cartons of juice or milk, candy bars (plastic knife to cut into pieces), plates, napkins, clementines, cheese in a squirt can for crackers or veggies, dry cereal (Chex, Kix, Cheerios), fruit leather, pretzels, raisins, sunflower seeds, hummus, cereal trail mix with M&Ms, & dried fruit, sandwich with cream cheese (quartered), peanut butter & jam sandwich (quartered), tiny bagels with strawberry cream cheese or butter, fish-shaped crackers, bell pepper strips, cheese puffs, grapes or cherry tomatoes (cut in half), cheese sticks