CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS IS HEAVENLY FATHER’S SON baby Jesus in a cradle 3-D manger scene. This pop-up picture shows Baby Jesus to remind us that He is God’s only begotten Son. Tell them that for many years prophets told them that He would come to save the world from sin and death. He would teach us how to live so we can be happy and live again with Him in heaven someday. Baby Jesus can be removed if placed on Velcro to pop in and out of the manger.
Use Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary or Home Activities
Jesus Is Heavenly Father’s Son
baby Jesus in a cradle
Click the following to find Nursery Lesson 30 – Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father in the Behold Your Little Ones manual.
OBJECTIVE: Tell children that Jesus Christ has a mortal mother, Mary, and an immortal father, Heavenly Father. Jesus is God’s Only Begotten Son. Because He loves us, He sent Jesus to the earth to be our Savior and our example.

ACTIVITY: Have children move the Baby Jesus in and out of the cradle/manger, raising him from on high and moving him down to earth to place in the manger. Talk about why Jesus was placed in a manger. In Luke 2:7 we learn, “and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
TO MAKE Print the cradle and the Baby Jesus and the mounting strip in color or black-and-white and color if needed.
• OPTION #1 3-D pop-up to glue baby Jesus on the cradle. Fold the strip into a square and glue or tape Xs together. Attach a square with a dot on the back of Jesus. Attach X square to X on the manger cradle. Glue baby Jesus on top.
• OPTION #2 Velcro Baby in and out of the manger. Glue Velcro 1-inch piece on the manager and one on baby Jesus where children can remove Baby Jesus. If you do this, you will want to print the images on cardstock for durability.
THOUGHT TREAT: Graham Cracker or Sugar Cookie Cradle. Place frosting in the center of a half-piece of graham cracker or a whole sugar cookie. Top with shredded coconut. Tell children that the Baby Jesus was placed in a straw-filled manger bed. When they eat the cookie they can think of Jesus. Option: Color the coconut and frosting with yellow food coloring.
• Sing “Away in a Manger” (Children’s Songbook, 42) download below.
• Sing “Jesus Loved the Little Children” (Children’s Songbook, 59).
Click HERE to find 30a CRAFT activity for this same lesson – Nursery Lesson 30: Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father (shown right).
THIS IS THE LAST LESSON ACTIVITY 1-30 to match the Nursery Behold Your Little Ones manual.
Click HERE to go back to Nursery Lesson 1: I Am a Child of God.
Click HERE to find 29b POSTER activity for the previous Nursery lesson 29: Jesus Christ Was Resurrected.
Click HERE for Nursery lessons 1-30.