“He Hath Borne Our Griefs, and Carried Our Sorrows”
Interactive Activities For Youth
Old Testament LESSON 40
Teaching Sunday School or Seminary, Come Follow Me just got easier with our activities for OCTOBER (week #1)
Theme: “He Hath Borne Our Griefs, and Carried Our Sorrows”
Isaiah 50-57
• SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading.
• Then scroll down to find Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum
SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS is not only for SUNDAY SCHOOL youth but also for Primary, and for Individuals and Families.
If you want the STAMPS & STAMP KEEPER (go HERE to download for the month of SEPTEMBER – STAMPS are included in the bundle)
Lesson 40 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
![“He Hath Borne Our Griefs, and Carried Our Sorrows” Scripture Scholars bookmark and pop-up](
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:
. . . 3 LESSONS & 6 ACTIVITIES . . .
The future is bright for the Lord’s people.
We all have times when we feel weak. To help class members rely on the Lord’s strength, you could assign them each to read a few verses from Isaiah 51–52 and share something they find that would strengthen someone who feels weak or discouraged. You might also point out that the resurrected Savior repeated some of Isaiah’s words to the people in the Americas (see 3 Nephi 20:32–45). What do the Savior’s words in 3 Nephi 20:30–34 add to our understanding of when these prophecies will be fulfilled?
This week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families suggests listing everything in Isaiah 50–52 that the Lord invites His people to do. Perhaps class members could share what they found and talk about what these invitations mean to them. You might want to focus on the invitations in Isaiah 51:1–2, 6–8; 52:1–3, 9–11. How can we act on these invitations? You might point out that Doctrine and Covenants 113:7–10 provides an inspired explanation of Isaiah 52:1–2. What do these words add to our understanding?
Isaiah 51:6-8 “my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.”
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. COLOR MY LIFE WITH THE GOSPEL Happy Crayons Game. Youth can know that the gospel principles lived will bring happiness. This way we can show our “true” colors as we live the commandments, e.g., tithing repentance, prayer, gratitude, and Sabbath (each matching the Ten Commandments). READ MORE
3 Nephi 20:42 “The Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel shall be your rearward.”
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST adversity light switch buddy. Youth’s faith in Jesus turns on as they review this 1 Nephi reminder that He will “be your light” as you keep His commandments. READ MORE
Jesus Christ took upon Himself our sins and sorrows.
To help class members visualize Isaiah’s words in Isaiah 53, you could display several pictures of the events surrounding the Atonement of Jesus Christ (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 56–60). You could then ask class members to find phrases in Isaiah 53 that describe the events in the pictures. What do Isaiah’s words teach about the Savior’s suffering for us? What do they suggest about why He suffered for us? What do these teachings inspire us to do?
To invite the Holy Ghost to testify of the truths taught in Isaiah 52:13–15; 53, you might ask class members to read these verses silently while you play a recording of a hymn about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
DOWNLOAD I Stand All Amazed song visuals (HERE)Invite class members to look for words or phrases in the scriptures that they feel are especially important. Then let them share what they found and how they feel about the Savior. Consider also inviting class members to read Mosiah 15:10–12, where Abinadi explained what is meant by the phrase “his seed.” How does this help us understand Isaiah 53:10?
Mosiah 15:10-12 vs. 12 “For these are they whose sins he has borne; these are they for whom he has died, to redeem them from their transgressions. And now, are they not his seed?”
YOUTH ACTIVITY. “I STAND ALL AMAZED at the love Jesus offers me” sacrament thought card. Youth can memorize 3 Nephi 11:14 and write their feelings about the Savior. READ MORE
YOUTH ACTIVITY. JESUS IS THE LAMB OF GOD little lamb block. Youth can read John 1:29 to learn that Jesus Christ is the lamb to take away “the sins of the world.” Several blocks can be made to push around pretending to herd sheep (and more). READ MORE
Jesus Christ wants us to return to Him.
Studying Isaiah 54 may inspire class members who feel discouraged because of their sins or weaknesses. You could invite class members to search chapter 54 for phrases or verses showing how the Savior feels about us. How does He want us to feel about our past sins and weaknesses? How does He want us to feel about Him? Encourage class members to share anything else they learn about Jesus Christ from this chapter. The statement by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in “Additional Resources” can add to your discussion.
Through Jesus Christ we can have hope.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught:
“It matters not how completely ruined our lives may seem. It matters not how scarlet our sins, how deep our bitterness, how lonely, abandoned, or broken our hearts may be. Even those who are without hope, who live in despair, who have betrayed trust, surrendered their integrity, or turned away from God can be rebuilt. …
“The joyous news of the gospel is this: because of the eternal plan of happiness provided by our loving Heavenly Father and through the infinite sacrifice of Jesus the Christ, we can not only be redeemed from our fallen state and restored to purity, but we can also transcend mortal imagination and become heirs of eternal life and partakers of God’s indescribable glory” (“He Will Place You on His Shoulders and Carry You Home,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 102).
POST-AND-PRESENT. PERFECT BRIGHTNESS OF HOPE. Youth can draw tissue from the sad and happy sun tissue box and pretend to dry their tears as they: #1 Draw a SAD SUN card and read the situation. #2 Tell how Jesus made it better to “dry our tears” (Revelations 21:4). #3 Place a HAPPY SUN under the story pictures that match the situation: Garden of Gethsemane, After the Resurrection, and Spirits in Heaven. READ MORE
YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. “Hop to it! Agency Actions. Youth can ponder the blessings, responsibilities, and consequences of choices and actions. Even goals can be written here to represent their Agency Actions. READ MORE
Option 1: Download all 4 from this bundle (left).
Option 2: Download these and more individually (from above).