Teaching youth Come Follow Me just got easier with our youth lesson-match activities.
THIS IS OUR BUNDLES PAGE where you can find quick-to-grab kits that spotlight most of the lessons for each week.
#1 February’s (weeks 1-4) lessons (click on the posters below)
#2 Scripture Scholars scripture reading bookmarks and pop-ups
#3 BUNDLES to save $ for each week’s lesson topics
#4 MORE lesson activities (beyond the BUNDLES). Click on the week’s lesson posters (below) to find these.
#5 Don’t miss the Youth Doctrinal Classes for FEBRUARY (right HERE)
The Scripture Scholars bundle includes scripture reading bookmarks for SUNDAY SCHOOL topics for each week’s lesson. The STAMPS in the kit can be placed on the bookmark instead of the STAMP KEEPER shown (youth can use these to encourage children in their families to read their scriptures).
SCRIPTURE SCHOLAR BUNDLE* saves you 20% (or you can download activities individually below).
We have selected four activities per week’s lesson theme for the BUNDLES below. However, there are tons more. Just click on the lesson posters to find them all, along with SUNDAY SCHOOL lesson details.
FEBRUARY weeks 1-4 – Lessons 6-9
#2 INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES. Click on the suggested activity (in green) to view the details, or to download the activity individually.
#3 SEE THEM ALL. Click on the posters (above) to find twice as many activities for this month’s lesson subject.
FEBRUARY (week 1) Lesson 6: “The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Heavenly Father has given us the power and means to resist temptation. Types of temptation.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Temple Covenants – Trials & Temptations ColorQuote (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 1) Lesson 6: “The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Heavenly Father has given us the power and means to resist temptation. Types of temptation.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Temptation Traps and Escape Routes brainstorm cards (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 1) Lesson 6: “The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: YOUTH GOAL PLANNER Increase Understanding of the Atonement (HERE)

FEBRUARY (week 1) Lesson 6: “The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Following Christ means forsaking our will and accepting His.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: “Hen Gathereth Her Chickens” tent card (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 2) Lesson 7: “Ye Must Be Born Again”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Jesus Christ’s miracles “manifested forth his glory.” We can defend sacred places and things.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Ancient and Latter-day Temples throughout time puppet show (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 2) Lesson 2: “Ye Must Be Born Again”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. What it means to be born again.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Articles of Faith 1:4 scripture poster/card set (faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost) (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 2) Lesson 7: “Ye Must Be Born Again”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. What it means to be born again.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Youth Goal Planner: Take upon the Name of Jesus Christ” (HERE)

FEBRUARY (week 2) Lesson 2: “Ye Must Be Born Again”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Jesus Christ offers us “living water” and the “meat” of doing God’s work.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Jesus Is My Life Savior life-line preserver promises planner (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 3) Lesson 8: “Blessed Are Ye”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Lasting happiness comes from living the way Jesus Christ taught.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: The Blessed Beatitudes poster presentation, quiz game, puzzle, mirror motivator cards (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 3) Lesson 8: “Blessed Are Ye”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Lasting happiness comes from living the way Jesus Christ taught.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: I Love Zion: Pure in Heart Game (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 3) Lesson 8: “Blessed Are Ye”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The Savior’s disciples are to be the light of the world.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Let Your Light Shine – Matthew 5:16 scripture poster/card set (HERE)

FEBRUARY (week 3) Lesson 8: “Blessed Are Ye”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Jesus Christ taught a higher law that can lead us toward perfection.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Jewels in My Crown service list (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 4) Lesson 9: “He Taught Them as One Having Authority”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: If we hear and act on the Lord’s teachings, our lives will be built on a firm foundation.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: My Sure Foundation “Build His House upon a Rock” testimony building project (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 4) Lesson 9: “He Taught Them as One Having Authority”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The Savior taught us how to pray. Heavenly Father answers prayers.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: “Counsel with the Lord in all Thy Doings” tent card (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 4) Lesson 9: “He Taught Them as One Having Authority”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We can identify true and false prophets by their fruits.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Spirit of Truth: From God/Not From God crossmatch (HERE)
FEBRUARY (week 4) Lesson 9: “He Taught Them as One Having Authority”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We can identify true and false prophets by their fruits.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: ColorQuote “Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. …” (HERE)