New Testament LESSON 16

Teaching Primary & Home – Come Follow Me just got easier with our activities for APRIL (week #3)

Theme: “Thou Art the Christ”

Matthew 15-17; Mark 7-9

"Thou Art the Christ" Come Follow Me LESSON ACTIVITIES


SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading. 

• Then scroll down to find Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum

 interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE
Youth Sunday School COME FOLLOW ME Activities

Lesson 16 Scripture Scholars

"Thou Art the Christ" Come Follow Me - SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS

Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:

"Thou Art the Christ" Come Follow Me - SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS
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 BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to the scripture you underline.

EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE: 
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
 STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year

Lessons 14-18 Scripture Scholars

Scripture Scholars bookmarks and pop-ups for April - New Testament COME FOLLOW ME

April’s BUNDLE of BOOKMARKSPOP-UPs, and STAMPS. Glue STAMPS onto the STAMP KEEPER (to download separately, below).

Scripture Scholars bookmarks and pop-ups for April - New Testament COME FOLLOW ME
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Stamps for weeks 1-5 Scripture Scholars Lessons 14-18 – New Testament – Included in the BUNDLE

Scripture Scholars reward stamps for April - New Testament COME FOLLOW ME

STAMP KEEPER (1-53 stamps) $3.00
This is included in the January BUNDLE (or, download it below)

Scripture Scholar Stamp Keeper

Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:

. . . 3 LESSONS & 18 ACTIVITIES . . .



Matthew 16:13–17

I can gain a testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Consider how you can use Peter’s testimony and Jesus’s response to teach the children what a testimony is and inspire them to seek their own.

  • Ask the children to listen for what Peter said as you read Matthew 16:15–17. (See also “Chapter 32: Peter Testifies of Christ,” in New Testament Stories, 76–77, or the corresponding video on Explain that Peter was bearing his testimony of Jesus Christ. Read the verses again. (Or show the video again.) This time ask the children to listen for who told Peter that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.

  • Bear your testimony of Jesus Christ, and explain how you received it. Invite the children to seek their own testimonies from Heavenly Father.


Matthew 16:13–17

A testimony of Jesus Christ comes through revelation.

How might Peter’s testimony in Matthew 16:13–17 help the children as they build their testimonies?

  • Ask the children what they would say if someone asked them, “Who is Jesus?” Invite the children to read Matthew 16:13–17 to find out how Peter answered that question. How did he gain his testimony of Jesus? What can we do to strengthen our testimonies?

  • Help the children compare the way we know spiritual truths with the ways we know other truths. For example, how do we know how tall a person is or what the weather is like? How do we know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Tell the children how the Holy Ghost has testified to you of the Savior.

  • Bear your testimony of Jesus Christ, and challenge the children to gain or strengthen their own testimonies of Him.

I can gain a testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
A testimony of Jesus Christ comes through revelation.

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. MY TESTIMONY OF JESUS weak or strong plant builder. Youth can learn ways to grow a strong testimony by gathering leaves (actions) and placing them under the matching STRONG or WEAK plant.  SREAD MORE

My Strong Testimony of Jesus (Weak or Strong Plant Builder)

AGES 1-5.  I LOVE TO HEAR BOOK OF MORMON STORIES poster or coloring page. Here children can learn how Jesus came to bless the Nephite children and teach them how to be happy. This book is another testament to Jesus Christ. After He was resurrected He went to visit the people in America*. These stories are about ancient prophets who also told about Jesus and traveling to the *Promised land.  READ MORE

I love to hear Book of Mormon stories! Poster or Coloring Page

I love to hear Book of Mormon stories! poster or coloring page
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AGES 4-7 ACTIVITY.  THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS ARE A GREAT TREASURE! bookmark. Children can go on a treasure hunt to find this bookmark that includes some yarn to weave through the punched holes. Bookmarks can be placed in their scriptures to remind them that every time they read the scriptures they are on a treasure hunt to find words of wisdom from Jesus or the prophets.  READ MORE

The Teachings of jesus are a great Treasure! bookmark

Little LESSON LIFESAVER ActivityThe Teachings of Jesus are a great Treasure! bookmark
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AGES 8-11 ACTIVITY. MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST journal page. Write my personal testimony of Jesus Christ on the Love and Gratitude Journal as if I were there when the Savior appeared to the Nephites (3 Nephi 11:16-17).  READ MORE

My Testimony of Jesus Christ love and gratitude journal

SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. Moroni 10:4-5  scripture poster. Moroni engraved this PROMISE on gold plates that he gave to Joseph Smith hundreds of years later, called The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Christ visited Moroni’s people the Nephites. We are to “ask God” and “he will manifest the truth of it” “by the power of the Holy Ghost.”  READ MORE

Book of Mormon Moroni 10:4-5 - Book of Mormon Promise scripture poster

SINGING TIME. I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES song visuals. Youth can know from this song that Jesus loves them and wants to bless them. He knows what is in their hearts and what they are in need of. He wants to guide them and comfort them. He is preparing a mansion on high for them, hoping they will know that He is their Redeemer and that He lives! This way they can know to prepare to be with Him someday.  READ MORE

I Know That My Redeemer Lives SONG VISUALS


Matthew 16:15–19

Jesus Christ gives prophets and apostles priesthood keys to lead His Church.

The Savior compared revelation to a rock and priesthood authority to keys. How can you use these comparisons to help the children have faith in those who lead His Church?

  • Show the children a rock as you read Matthew 16:18 with them. Repeat with them the phrase “upon this rock I will build my church,” adding actions to go along with the words. Explain that the Church is built upon the “rock” of revelation.

  • Show the children some keys, and ask what we use keys for. Explain that Peter and the other Apostles received priesthood keys from Jesus. These keys “unlock” blessings for us and open the way to heaven. For example, priesthood keys allow us to be baptized and take the sacrament. Give the children paper keys, and have them write some blessings that priesthood keys “unlock.”

  • Show a picture of the President of the Church, and bear your testimony that he holds all of the priesthood keys today, just as Peter did.


    Matthew 16:15–19

    The Church of Jesus Christ is led by those who hold priesthood keys.

    Studying Matthew 16:15–19 can build the children’s faith that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a restoration of the same Church that Jesus established while He lived on the earth.

    • Write Matthew 16:19 on the board, leaving out a few words, including the word “keys.” Ask the children to find the missing words.

    • Show the video “Where Are the Keys?” (, or review “Keys of the Priesthood” in Guide to the Scriptures ( What are priesthood keys? How are priesthood keys like real keys?

    • Help the children list on the board some people who have priesthood keys. “Keys of the Priesthood” in Guide to the Scriptures ( has a list that can help them. Invite someone in your ward who holds priesthood keys to briefly share with the class why these keys are important.

    • Hide several keys (or pictures of keys) around the room, and invite the children to find them. After each key is found, help the children think of blessings we enjoy because of priesthood keys (for example, eternal families, baptism, and the sacrament).

Jesus Christ gives prophets and apostles priesthood keys to lead His Church.
Jesus Christ’s Church is led by those who have priesthood keys.

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. PRIESTHOOD POWER BRANCHES & BLESSINGS. Youth will learn about how the Aaronic Priesthood and the higher Melchizedek Priesthood bless us. It tells the offices held in each Priesthood and the blessings and ordinances that are given. For example, baptism, the sacrament, blessing the sick, giving the Holy Ghost, baptizing those who have passed on, and sealing families forever.  READ MORE

Priesthood Power Branches and Blessings

AGES 1-5 ACTIVITY. PRIESTHOOD BLESSINGS poster or coloring page. Children can view blessings that come from the priesthood (the power of God) with these five spotlights: Baby blessing, sacrament, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and a blessing for the sick.  READ MORE

Priesthood Blessings Poster or Coloring Page

Little LESSON LIFESAVER ActivityPriesthood Blessings Poster or Coloring Page
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AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY. PRIESTHOOD BLESSINGS spiral kite. Children can twirl this kite as they are reminded of Priesthood Power. The power of the wind will move and move this kite. The priesthood is a special power that is even stronger than the wind. Heavenly Father gives a man who holds the priesthood power to heel the sick, name babies, and bless the sacrament, baptize, and give a father’s blessing.”  READ MORE

Priesthood Blessings and Ordinances spiral kite

Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity:Priesthood Blessings Spiral Kite
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AGES 8-11. PRIESTHOOD KEYS REMINDER door hanger. Youth can learn about the keys given to us by ancient Prophets to do God’s work. #1 Moses gave us the keys (D&C 110:11 to the gathering of Israel to do missionary work). #2 Elijah gave us the keys (D&C 110:13-16 to do temple work “turn the hearts of the fathers” to seal families forever).  READ MORE

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: Priesthood Keys Reminder (hang on the door)

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY  PRIESTHOOD POCKETS blessing my life puzzle. Youth can discover how the Priesthood blesses their life by filling in the blanks and drawing a line from the “BUTTON” blessing to the matching definition of the blessing “POCKET.” For example, the BUTTON “Blessing a baby” matches with the POCKET “Give a name and a blessing.”  READ MORE

The Priesthood Blesses My Life Priesthood Pockets puzzle

SINGING TIME. “THE PRIESTHOOD IS RESTORED” song visuals. Youth can know from this song that “The priesthood is restored, The truth made known to man, That God has spoken to the earth, His pow’r is here again.” God’s priesthood was taken from the earth after Jesus and His apostles died. The priesthood power restored is the power to baptize, give the Holy Ghost, temple ordinances, and more.  READ MORE

The Priesthood Is Restored song visuals

. . . JESUS IS GOD’S SON . . .

Matthew 17:1–9

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

These verses describe one of the few times in the scriptures when the voice of God the Father was heard testifying of His Beloved Son. Studying this account with the children can build their faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Invite the children to draw pictures of the event described in Matthew 17:1–9. Ask them to explain their pictures to each other. (See “Chapter 33: Appearing in Glory: The Transfiguration,” in New Testament Stories, 78–79, or the corresponding video on

  • Give the children time to ponder what the account in Matthew 17:1–9 teaches them about Jesus Christ. Invite them to write their thoughts on the board. Invite the children to share how they know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. LOVED FROM UP ABOVE Hearts-on-a-String. Youth can share how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ show Their love for us by allowing us to come to earth, giving us talents, gave us a family; Jesus suffered for our sins, suffered and died for us (and more).  READ MORE

CHILDREN & YOUTH Goal and Activity Loved From Up Above Post-and-Present

AGES 1-5, 4-7. JESUS IS HEAVENLY FATHER’S SON 3-D stand-up card. Children can ponder how Jesus, born in Bethlehem, once a little child is now grown to be like His Heavenly Father. Like a prince, He is the only begotten physical Son of God our Heavenly Father with an earthly mother, Mary. We too are children of God, only we are God’s spirit children born of an earthly father and mother.  READ MORE

Godhead 3-D
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Jesus is Heavenly Father’s Son 3-D stand-up card

Jesus is Heavenly Father’s Son 3-D stand-up card
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CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY/CRAFT. I AM A CHILD OF GOD heavenly family photo. Customize a child’s picture, glue their photo there, or use one of the girl/boy images to help a child know they are God’s spirit child in heaven, sent to earth. This heavenly family photo helps them know they are part of God’s kingdom that God the Father is their heavenly father and God’s Son Jesus is their brother.  READ MORE

I Am a Child of God heavenly family photo

Little LESSON LIFESAVERSI Am a Child of God heavenly family photo
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YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. MY TESTIMONY OF THE GODHEAD fan. Ask youth to learn about the three members of the Godhead and the roles each plays to create, teach, guide, and bless us. Through this study and prayer, they can obtain answers to the questions: WHO AM I? WHERE DID I COME FROM? WHERE AM I GOING?  READ MORE

Testimony of Godhead fan

SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. GOD LOVES US John 3:16 scripture poster/card set. Youth can know that our Father in heaven loves us so much that He allowed Jesus Christ who created us and our world to also sacrifice His life for us. John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  READ MORE

John 3:16 scripture poster/card set "For God so loved the world ..."

SINGING TIME. “HE SENT HIS SON” song visuals. With this song youth can know how much Heavenly Father loves us, to send His only begotten son to earth to sacrifice his life for us. All because He wants us to return. Write the words on the cue cards (in your language) to place on the back. For example, “How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?”  READ MORE

He Sent His Son song visuals


Matthew 15-17; Mark 7-9
APRIL (week 3)
Lesson 16: April 10-16, 2023
“Thou Art the Christ”

Come Follow Me Lesson Activities for Thou Art the Christ”

Come Follow Me Lesson Activities for Thou Art the Christ”

Come Follow Me Lesson Activities for Thou Art the Christ”

#ComeFollowMe #NewTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchOfJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #ThouArtTheChrist

PRIMARY & Home Come Follow Me Activities – APRIL (week 3) New Testament “Thou Art the Christ“ with Scripture Scholars bookmarks & pop-ups – Matthew 15-17; Mark 7-9

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