PARTS 2 and 3
HAPPY New Year
Activities to Make Learning Fun

YOUTH CAN TEACH that we can’t be happy if we let bad thoughts inside our heads. This exercise will help us make better choices and replace bad thoughts with good, saying to ourselves, “I will fill my head with good instead.”
ACTIVITY Brainstorm
How can we switch from bad thoughts to pure thoughts that will lead to good choices?
After their response, try this Mind-switch Exercise: It takes 15 seconds to make a mind-switch. The first FIVE seconds decide you don’t want that thought. Take the next FIVE seconds to think of a good thought to replace it with. Then the next FIVE seconds repeat that good thought that leads to a good choice.
Thinking pure thoughts can make us HAPPY because:
• We say “no” to bad, tempting, impure thoughts that try to enter.
• Good—pure thoughts help us keep God’s commandments and bring us blessings.
• They invite the Holy Ghost who speaks to our mind and heart. These inspirations guide us to live good HAPPY lives.
Janet loved living on her little farm. She loved her pets and all of the fun things she did with her friends and family. They rode horses, played in the haylofts, and on clear nights they’d climb up to the treehouse, and stargaze.
One evening her father came home and told the family they would be moving to the city. This made Janet sad to leave her friends, the farm, and the joy they brought. Janet had sad and angry thoughts and didn’t understand why they had to move.
• How would you feel if you were Janet?
• What would you do?
Janet decided to pray and ask Heavenly Father to help her understand. As she poured out her heart to Him she began to feel a small bit of peace inside. Her anger soon left her and she started to feel less sad. Janet began to understand why her father needed to move them to the city. Thoughts of new friends and new adventures started to enter her mind. Janet felt peace because she knew the Holy Ghost was helping her with these new challenges.
ACTIVITY: Encourage the youth to post the Harold B. Lee quote on their mirror as a reminder that happiness comes from within. Talk about the outward trials and how we gain strength and joy by focusing on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help them understand these three to be HAPPY: 1) prayer and scripture study, 2) keeping the commandments and 3) serving others.
• Discuss ways to notice good and lovely things in the world. Help them understand they hold the key to joy inside. Then, in their journals “What I can do to find joy now …” write their goals to obtain that inner happiness.
• WHAT CAN I DO NOW TO FIND JOY goal list – mirror motivator: Have the youth write ways they can find joy now, and remind them to work on these in the coming weeks, e.g., “Find a need and fill it (serve).”

YOUTH CAN TEACH that Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be HAPPY, giving us commandments. This two-sided flip-flag shows/tells us that our feelings can change by the decisions we make (good and bad). To make glue back-to-back on a craft stick.
ACTIVITY: Create a round flip-flag to flip back and forth to show two images. The heart reads, “I Feel Good Inside,” and the smile reads, “When I Keep the Commandments.”
• Heavenly Father planned for us to leave Him and live on earth, He wanted all of us to return to Him. He knew we would have to make right choices in order to return to him and that choosing the right would make us happy. He gave us commandments to help us make the right choices.
• What are commandments? (Things Heavenly Father has told us to do.)
• Explain that the commandments are like road signs to help us find our way. They show us the right path to follow to return to Heavenly Father.
Present Lesson 3 – Primary 3 Manual – CTR-B: The Commandments Help Us Choose the Right. Review the discussion* (that follows) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.
*CLICK HERE for Discussion and more on the above activity.

YOUTH CAN TEACH that choices can lead to HAPPINESS or sadness as they place good choice apples on the tree and bad choice apples on the ground. But wait! The bad apples are not rotten; they just need to repent to go on the tree!
ACTIVITY: Tell the children that this HAPPY CHOICES TREE will help us think about the good choices Heavenly Father wants us to make. By keeping His commandments we can be happy and live in His kingdom someday.
• Place apples in a container. Have the children take turns choosing an apple and reading the situation aloud. If it is a good choice place the apple on the tree. If they read a bad choice apple (with the worm), they can place it under the tree.
• HAVE THEM tell how they would right the wrong, then they can draw a smiling apple and place it on the tree. Jesus said in D&C 58:42 “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.”
• Ask the children, “Why do you think Heavenly Father allows us to remember our bad choices?” So we can remember the consequences and try not to make that choice again. It helps us to think ahead.
GUESS WHO Activity:
Tell children the following: “I want to tell you about a friend of mine.” Place an empty chair in the front and tell children to imagine a special friend sitting in this chair without saying the name “Jesus.” Ask children not to say His name until you are through talking about this person. Tell what He did for us using the following:
#1: He created the earth. He created us. He created the animals.
#2: He is our Savior. Before we were sent to this earth, He volunteered to suffer and die for us to pay the price for our sins.
#3: Because of Him, we can repent when we do wrong, and we will be forgiven.
#4: Because He was resurrected, we can also be resurrected and live after death.
#5: Because of the Atonement (His suffering and dying for us), we can return to live with Him and Heavenly Father, if we follow Him.
#6: We can show our thanks to Him by praying, reading the scriptures, listening to His servants—the prophets, and obeying the commandments.
#7: Because of Him everyone can be resurrected, but not everyone will return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus unless they repent.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Want Us to Be Happy
Teacher presentation
Tell the children that because Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love each of us so much, they want us to be happy. Share with the children some times when you have felt really happy. (Examples could include getting baptized, sharing with others, doing something fun with your friends, working to achieve a goal, spending enjoyable moments with your family, reading and learning about Jesus, getting married in the temple, or serving a mission.)
Child participation
Let the children talk about times when they are happy. If the children need some prompting, ask questions such as the following:
Are you happy when you play with your brothers and sisters?
Are you happy when you help your mother or father?
Are you happy when you get to do a favorite activity?
Are you happy when you come to church?

YOUTH CAN TEACH children as they stand eagerly waiting to VOTE on situations that can make them HAPPY (slapping right) or sad (slapping left). Think about it; if they are happy they choose the right (slap on the right). This slap-HAPPY game helps them prepare for when those choices come; they can be ready!
For the CHOICES: HAPPY OR SAD? Choose the Right slap game
The above activity illustrates the SUMMARY in the lesson below* to: Give a thumbs-up to choices that Jesus would make. Or, give a thumbs-down to choices Satan would have them do. Here you can vote by slapping the SAD or HAPPY to make your vote on the actions that bring sadness or joy.
*LESSON. To add to and enhance the above activity see (HERE) Lesson 5 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: I Can Make Right Choices
YOUTH CAN TEACH the principles Jesus taught the Nephites, bringing both them and the Lamanites peace and happiness. These include: dealing justly, loving God, having no envyings, sharing all things in common, avoiding contention, and being converted unto the Lord, among other teachings.
This Happy Choices match game helps older children and youth learn of the happy choices the Nephites and Lamanites made to have peace (4 Nephi 1:2-3, 5, 15-17).
Take turns turning cards over to make a match. When all cards are matched, count the matches to determine the winner.
FOCUS ON the enrichment Activity #1 as follows for which the above activity “Happy Choices Match Game” was created.
“Prepare wordstrips of these phrases from 4 Nephi 1:2–3, 5, 15–17: “Every man did deal justly one with another.” “They had all things common among them.” “All manner of miracles did they work.” “There was no contention in the land.” “The love of God . . . did dwell in the hearts of the people.” “There were no envyings.” “There were no . . . tumults [rioting].” “There were no . . . lyings.” “There were no robbers.” “There were . . . [no] murderers.” “They were in one, the children of Christ.”
Put the wordstrips in a container, and let each child draw one out and display it. These phrases from 4 Nephi explain why the people were living in peace and happiness.

YOUTH CAN TEACH children about feelings and how to find their HAPPY face. Create this craft with them to mount on a stick to turn their thoughts around. On one sad it reads, “I will turn my frown upside down!” The flip-side reads, “My sunshine face has a happy smile!”
The above lesson can be used for two of the following activities:
#1 The craft – “My sunshine face has a happy smile!” and the flip-side “I will turn my frown upside down!” (shown above/left)
#1 The poster or coloring page “I have many feelings” (DOWNLOAD this activity HERE or below)

YOUTH CAN TEACH children to understand their feelings and how to be HAPPY. The Home Activity at the bottom invites a discussion with their parents: “Ask me to tell you when I am happy, sad, angry, or frightened. Help me pray so the Holy Ghost can help me feel better when I feel sad, angry, or frightened.”
The above lesson can be used for two of the following activities:
#1 The poster or coloring page “I have many feelings” (shown above/left)
#2 The craft – “My sunshine face has a happy smile!” and the flip-side “I will turn my frown upside down!” (DOWNLOAD this activity HERE or below)

YOUTH CAN TEACH the Beatitudes Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) are ways to be HAPPY. If we follow them we can buzz our way to heaven. Jesus also gave His Beatitudes to the Nephites as recorded in the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 12). Doing this crossmatch will help you remember His promises.
ACTIVITY: To do the crossmatch, draw a line from the Blessed are … to the beatitude. For example “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
As children read both references they can discuss how they are different. Jesus taught the same things to the Jews (in Jersaulem) and to the Nephites (in ancient America, whom He visited after His death and resurrection). These Beatitudes are clearer in the Book of Mormon (see the Bible and Book of Mormon scriptures below to compare).
To go along with this, share with children the Articles of Faith 1:8 (scripture poster/card set to download and share with children HERE), which reads: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.”
• LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITY “Bee”-atitude crossmatch (See more details HERE)
• LESSON 10 “The Sermon on the Mount” (HERE)
Purpose: To help the children strive to become more like Jesus by following His teachings.
The above activity “Bee-Atitudes!” crossmatch makes it easy to follow the Sermon Jesus gave and compare it with the scriptures suggested:
– Matthew 5:3 and 3 Nephi 12:3 (added “who come unto me”)
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
“Yea, blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
– Matthew 5:6 and 3 Nephi 12:6 (added “with the Holy Ghost”)
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”
“And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.”
– Matthew 5:10 and 3 Nephi 12:10 (my name’s sake)
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
“And blessed are all they who are persecuted for my name’s sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
– Matthew 5:48 and 3 Nephi 12:48 (perfect like the Father)
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
“Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.”

YOUTH CAN TEACH Heavenly Father’s plan of HAPPINESS or salvation that is meant for all of God’s children. He sent the Savior to help us return. So let’s learn what we must do and name the blessings that come from each action. This way we can REACH FOR THE STARS! (D&C 82:24; Mormon 7:7)
ACTIVITY: Tell the youth, “When we lived in heaven, Heavenly Father knew that we could not progress to become like Him if we did not come to earth and gain a body. We chose to come here to choose good over evil. By living God’s plan of salvation, also called God’s plan of happiness, we can one day return to Him. Each time we follow His plan, we are blessed. Let’s reach for the stars and learn how His blessings make us shine.”
1. Discuss the objective above and tell the youth, “When we lived in heaven, Heavenly Father knew that we could not progress to become like Him if we did not come to earth and gain a body. So we chose to come here to learn how to choose good over evil. By living God’s plan we can progress and one day return to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to have eternal life with them and those we love. Each time we follow His plan we are blessed, so let’s reach for the stars and learn how His blessings make us shine.”
2. Have the youth take turns choosing a star, and before displaying it, read it aloud to share what Heavenly Father wants us to do to be happy. Then, name a SPIRITUAL BLESSING that comes from following each plan.
3. Give youth a bookmark to place in their scriptures and read Mosiah 2:41, “I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.”

YOUTH CAN TEACH Heavenly Father’s plan of HAPPINESS that takes us spinning the orbits of before, during, and after earth life with a SMILE. Why? Because we know where we have been and where we are going. Here smiley faces are chosen, questions are read and faces are placed by the orbits.
• Talk about Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness of how we chose to follow Jesus to come to earth to gain a body.
• Talk about pre-earth life, mortal (earth life), postmortal life, and that God knows and loves us and wants us to return to eternal life (to live in God’s kingdom again).
Let’s “Think Celestial” as our Prophet Russell M. Nelson talked about in his talk (see video below). Points to Ponder:
• “How and where and with whom do you want to live forever? You get to choose.”
• “When you make choices, I invite you to take the long view—an eternal view.”
• MORE POINTS WORTH PONDERING: eternal life, faith increase, obedience, opposition, change of heart, pray more often, avoid agency robbers, live the law of chastity, viewing trials, dependant on faith and obedience, tithing builds faith, live a virtuous life . . . READ IT ALL HERE

YOUTH CAN TEACH children with this maze of choices that the way to HAPPINESS is to choose choices that Jesus would choose. Ask children What Would Jesus Do? Do they choose “Say a bad word,” or “Love Others”? Only the right choice gets them to the FINISH line.
• LESSON 15 “Come, Follow Me” (HERE)
Purpose: To strengthen each child’s desire to follow Jesus Christ
– Tell the children how following Jesus Christ has made you happy.
– Testify that if we follow him, Jesus will lead us back to live with our Heavenly Father again.
– Encourage the children to always try to follow the footsteps of Jesus.
• LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITY “I Am Happy When I Follow Jesus” decision maze (See more details HERE)
YOUTH CAN TEACH that our HAPPY life now and forever is brought about by our choices. Our Decisions Determine Destiny. This life planner helps us be more responsible in driving our goals in the right direction. Use it to plan HOME, SCHOOL, and WORK to be HAPPY in God’s kingdom forever (D&C 82:24; Mormon 7:7).
YOUTH CAN TEACH, so please let them teach. The best way they can learn to teach is to know they have to explain it to someone. This way their testimony grows and their love for sharing the gospel increases.
“Our prophets and apostles know they can do it, says Steven J. Lund, Young Men General President. The Savior knows that they can do it. And we know they can do it—because they have you to mentor them, to guide them.” See Segment 3: Adult Youth Leaders (HERE)
Leaders, parents, and YOUTH CAN TEACH using these teaching tools to be ready to teach anytime at CHURCH or HOME.
Start here, or visit the A-Z Index and our COME FOLLOW ME lesson-match activities to give YOUTH more to teach. Youth can also use our goal activities and singing time song visuals and activities to teach, and more.
Start with these 26 lesson activities on HAPPINESS. Enjoy!