Interactive Activities For Youth
(for more individual activities, click on lesson posters below)
Teaching Sunday School and, Come Follow Me just got easier with our youth lesson-match activities.
THIS IS OUR BUNDLES PAGE where you can find quick-to-grab kits that spotlight most of the lessons for each week.
Find the PRIMARY Activities for JUNE (HERE)
#1 June’s (weeks 1-4) lessons (click on the posters below)
#2 Scripture Scholars scripture reading bookmarks and pop-ups
#3 BUNDLES to save $ for each week’s lesson topics
#4 MORE lesson activities (beyond the BUNDLES). Click on the week’s lesson posters (below) to find these.
#5 Don’t miss the Youth Doctrinal Classes for JUNE (right HERE)
The Scripture Scholars bundle includes scripture reading bookmarks for SUNDAY SCHOOL topics for each week’s lesson. The STAMPS in the kit can be placed on the bookmark instead of the STAMP KEEPER shown (these are for children).
SCRIPTURE SCHOLAR BUNDLE* saves you 20% (or you can download activities individually below).
We have selected four activities per week’s lesson theme for the BUNDLES below. However, there are tons more. Just click on the lesson posters to find them all, along with SUNDAY SCHOOL lesson details.
JUNE weeks 1-4 – Lessons 23-26
#2 INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES. Click on the suggested activity (shown in green below) to view the details, or to download the activity individually.
#3 SEE THEM ALL. Click on the posters (above) to find twice as many activities for this month’s lesson subject.
JUNE (week 1) Lesson 23: “In Remembrance”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We must examine our own lives to determine how the Lord’s words apply to us.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Hold Fast to the Lord’s Standards word find puzzle (HERE)
JUNE (week 1) Lesson 23: “In Remembrance”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The sacrament is an opportunity for someone who isn’t familiar with it? “Internalize the qualities and character of Christ.”
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Remember Jesus sacrament symbols puzzle (HERE)
JUNE (week 1) Lesson 23: “In Remembrance”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The sacrament is an opportunity for someone who isn’t familiar with it? “Internalize the qualities and character of Christ.”
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Youth Goal Planner – Learn More about the Sacrament (HERE)

JUNE (week 1) Lesson 23: “In Remembrance”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The Savior is our example of humbly serving others. Our love for others is a sign that we are true disciples of Jesus Christ.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Jesus Teaches Me to Choose the Right – John 13:15 scripture poster/card set (HERE)
JUNE (week 2) Lesson 24: “Continue Ye in My Love”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The Holy Ghost helps our purposes as disciples of Jesus Christ.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Youth Goal Planner: Learn about the Holy Ghost (HERE)
JUNE (week 2) Lesson 24: “Continue Ye in My Love”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: As we abide in Christ we will bring forth good fruit and have joy.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Fruit of the Gospel blessings bookmark representing the Vine and Fruit (HERE)
JUNE (week 2) Lesson 24: “Continue Ye in My Love”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: As we abide in Christ, we will bring forth good fruit and have joy.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Fruits of the Spirit decision maker (HERE)

JUNE (week 2) Lesson 24: “Continue Ye in My Love”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are perfectly united.”
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: Friend or Foe? Slap/fip Game (HERE)
JUNE (week 3) Lesson 25: “Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We become more Christlike when we choose to submit our will to the Father’s.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: GOD LOVES US John 3:16 scripture poster/card set (HERE)
JUNE (week 3) Lesson 25: “Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Jesus Christ performed an infinite Atonement for us.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: JESUS IS MY LIFE SAVIOR preserver promises planner (HERE)
JUNE (week 3) Lesson 25: “Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We can be faithful to Jesus Christ despite our fears and weaknesses.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: “HEN GATHERETH HER CHICKENS” tent card (HERE)

JUNE (week 3) Lesson 25: “Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: We can be faithful to Jesus Christ despite our fears and weaknesses.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: YOUTH GOAL PLANNER: Take upon the Name of Jesus Christ” (HERE)
JUNE (week 4) Lesson 26: “It Is Finished”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Jesus Christ’s willingness to suffer shows His love for the Father and for all of us. Ancient prophets foresaw the Savior’s suffering and Crucifixion.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: PROPHETS TELL OF JESUS poster presentation (HERE)
JUNE (week 4) Lesson 26: “It Is Finished”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: Opposition cannot stop the work of God.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: I WILL BE VALIANT AND TESTIFY OF JESUS! balloon maze (HERE)
JUNE (week 4) Lesson 26: “It Is Finished”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The Savior offers us hope and forgiveness.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: FEELINGS OF FORGIVENESS filling-in-the-face doorknob hanger (HERE)
JUNE (week 4) Lesson 26: “It Is Finished”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The Savior offers us hope and forgiveness.
– DOWNLOAD Sunday School/Teen Activity: PICK THE PATH TO ETERNAL LIFE! decision maker mobile (HERE)