POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. WHICH STANDARD WORK? match game. Youth will learn that the scriptures are the word of God taught in these four works. It’s fun to brainstorm, to guess which set of topics or stories or people are found in which books known as our Standard Works: The HOLY BIBLE, The BOOK OF MORMON, The DOCTRINE & COVENANTS, or The PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. Draw a card, read it, and place it by the book(s) it represents.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME Primary, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, and Daily Scripture Devotional
Which Standard Work? Match Game
OBJECTIVE: Play a match game with youth to learn there are four books of scripture we use in the Church: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. This will help them learn the origin and difference between each of these four standard works (found on the cards).
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print/copy, color, and cut out the book/standard works signs and description cards.

1. Talk about the standard works, four books of scripture we consider the word of God: the Bible, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants.
2. To play the match game, tell youth that you are going to play a match game to learn about each of these scripture books called the standard works. Have them take turns drawing a card and placing it under the correct book.
Other Game Options: Call out: (1) names of books, (2) prophets in the books, (3) scripture heroes, or (4) stories from the standard works and have children take turns pointing to the book it is in.
THOUGHT TREAT: Standard Works Wafer Cookies. Stack different layers of wafer cookies with frosting between each cookie to represent the four standard works (four cookies total). Have youth talk about the difference in each of the standard works scripture sets as they eat their cookie stack.
The Book of Mormon is a blessing.
Consider how you will help the children in your class feel that the Book of Mormon is “a blessing unto them from the hand of God” (2 Nephi 30:6).
Show the children a Book of Mormon wrapped as a gift, and tell them that something valuable is inside. Let them hold the gift, and give clues to help them guess what it is; for example, it’s something the Lord has given us, it helps us believe in Jesus Christ, and so on. Read from 2 Nephi 30:6: “It is a blessing unto them from the hand of God.” Let the children open the gift, and then explain that we must open the Book of Mormon and read it to receive the blessings it contains.
Read 2 Nephi 28:2 to the children. Explain that Nephi saw that the Book of Mormon would “be of great worth” to us, which means that it will help and bless us. Tell the children why the Book of Mormon is of great worth to you, sharing favorite verses. (SOURCE below)
. DOWNLOAD* the “Which Standard Works?” Scripture Match Game (HERE or below) and place The Book of Mormon match cards in the gift box with the Book. Open gift and review then play the game to learn about other STANDARD WORKS and how they all bless our lives.
SOURCE: Come Follow Me Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 26-30 “A Marelous Work and a Wonder”