YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. With this Lullaby Lollipop, youth can feel inspired to one day marry and bring God’s spirit children to the earth (a sacred responsibility).
Use for Come Follow Me, Sunday School, Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Seminary/Institute
Life Is Sacred Lullaby Lollipop
Help youth realize the importance of marriage and family by making and explaining this lollipop favor. Read the quote on the lollipop by Melvin J. Ballard*: “The greatest mission of woman is to give life, earth-life, through honorable marriage, to the waiting spirits, our Father’s spirit children who anxiously desire to come to dwell here in this mortal state.” (Sermons and Missionary Services) and others (as follows), saying, “You are one of God’s greatest and most sacred creations.”
*QUOTE SOURCE: “Birth Control” by Elder Dallan H. Oaks

The Church’s Position on Abortion.
“Abortion must be considered one of the most revolting and sinful practices in this day, when we are witnessing frightening evidence of permissiveness leading to sexual immorality. We take the solemn view that any tampering with the fountains of life is serious, morally, mentally, psychologically, physically … . Members of the Church guilty of being parties to the sin of abortion must be subjected to the disciplinary action of the councils of the Church, as circumstances warrant. We remember the reiteration of the Ten Commandments given by the Lord in our own time, when he said, “Thou shalt not steal; neither commit adultery, nor kill, nor do anything like unto it.” (D&C 59:6) We see some similarities.” (President Kimball, CR, April 1975)
“Again, abortion is a growing evil that we speak against. Certainly, the terrible sin of premeditated abortion would be hard to justify. It is almost inconceivable that an abortion would ever be committed to save face or embarrassment, to save trouble or inconvenience, or to escape responsibility” (Spencer W. Kimball, in Conference Report, Apr. 1974; or Ensign, May 1974)
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white. Cut out circles and glue back to back on left and right, leaving top and bottom open to slide lollipop inside. Tie a pretty ribbon at the bottom (“tie a knot,” indicating an honorable marriage). Option: Tie two lifesavers in ribbon/knot to represent wedding rings.
IDEAS: You may want to tie this activity in with Childcare and Babysitting to help youth appreciate not only the sacredness of creating children, but the importance and responsibilities that come from having and caring for children.
SEE ACTIVITIES ON BABYSITTING below and HERE to download instantly from GospelGrabBag.
Source YW 2.32
THOUGHT TREAT: STAR BABYSITTER Sugar Cookies. Using tube frosting, create a star or stick children images on a cookie graham cracker for each youth. Tell them that as they look for opportunities to serve, e.g., caring for children, and serve in their community, they become a light that shines. Sometimes that light is not seen for many years. You may not receive recognition for your service, but your warmth and generosity will make a difference, and you will know making your countenance brighter.
BABYSITTING BASKET: Have youth come with a basket full of items that they might take babysitting and take turns showing these items. Give them paper and a pencil to make note of items they might include in their basket.
BABY FIRST-AID: Have a nurse or CPR expert tell how to care for a baby that stops breathing or deal with burns, cuts, or other injuries. Practice CPR on both large and small dolls. Have youth and parents share experiences they have had rescuing or caring for a child. From a first-aid handbook, copy pages teaching first-aid techniques. Assign these to several young women, who can report later on what they’ve learned. Show video below.
SHOW BABYSITTER TRAINING VIDEO: Babysitter Training from the American Red Cross of the Greater – The American Red Cross helps participants to develop leadership skills; learn how to develop a babysitting business, keep themselves and others safe; help children behave; and learn about basic child care and basic first aid.
BATHING BABIES DEMO: Have a nurse from the hospital show youth how to bathe a baby or arrange for them to visit a training class for new mothers and fathers.
SWIM RESCUE AND SWIM GAMES: Take youth swimming and have a trained lifeguard show them how to rescue a child from drowning. You can also show them games that children can play in a pool.
CHILDREN’S BABY PARTY: Have youth plan and present a baby party for small children, ages 4-6. Have them bring a child and two baby bottles. Fill the bottles with punch or colored water to drink during the party. Have youth bring a picture of themselves as a child and also one of their small guest. Use pictures for Guess Who? game. Youth should also be prepared to share their favorite game or activity with the children. See Baby and Children Style Treats (left). Watch a movie that relates to babies. Play Ring-around-the Rosies, London Bridges, Hide-and-Go-Seek, and Laundry Basket Basketball.
RELIEF SOCIETY NURSERY SERVICE: Have youth serve in the nursery for a homemaking meeting. Preplan activities, stories, and, treats.
NEW MOTHER REFLECTIONS: Have a new mother talk about her experiences as a mother, compared to what she expected before she was married.
• FEBRUARY Lesson 3 “What is the purpose of life?” . . . also in a BUNDLE of 4 activities (shown)
• AUGUST Lesson 3 “Why is chastity important?”

Reverence for Life – Russell M. Nelson – April 1985 General Conference This war, labeled “abortion,” is of epidemic proportion and is waged globally. Over fifty-five million abortions were reported worldwide in the year 1974 alone. In the United States of America, over 1.5 million abortions are performed annually. About 25–30 percent of all pregnancies now end in
- Listen
- Watch
- ReadMore results for ‘abortion’ from April 1985 General Conference
- More results from Russell M. Nelson on ‘abortion’
Covenants – Boyd K. Packer -October 1990 General Conference …now campaign to make spiritually dangerous life-styles legal and socially acceptable. Among them are abortion, the gay-lesbian movement, and drug addiction. They are debated in forums and… …where the scriptures specifically forbid abortion or a gay-lesbian or drug-centered life-style….