“P” Activities, Games, Lesson Ideas, Scriptures, Song Visuals
• Plan of Salvation (CFM Youth)
• Priesthood & Priesthood Keys
• PRIESTHOOD & Priesthood Keys (CFM Youth)
• PRIMARY Music (Song Visuals & Activities)
• Prophets & Apostles (Church, Apostasy & Restoration)
PROPHET – Follow the Prophet
PROPHET FOLLOW THE PROPHET Choosing to Obey Noah’s Ark and Animals match game and discussion ⇒
PROPHET The Prophet Joseph Smith Praise to the Man Doctrine & Covenants 135:3 John Taylor quote bookmark ⇒
GAMES & ACTIVITIES by Mary Ross and Jennette King ⇓ to purchase online:

Fly to Quiz Bee’s hive of 28 Book of Mormon stories and test your “sweet” knowledge of the scriptures. Quiz Bee will buzz questions at you, and you can zip the answers right back. You will be amazed at how much you know and how fast your testimony will grow!
To use this “honey” of a deck, first read the story, paying close attention to the details. Then buzz on to the question card that corresponds to test what you know. You can see your answers at the bottom of each question card. If you don’t do very well, stick to it! Reread the story and try it again!

Fly to Quiz-Bee’s hive and test your “sweet” knowledge of the Articles of Faith! You will have fun with 13 memory cards, 28 question cards, and 14 challenging game cards! Quiz-Bee will buzz questions at you, and you can zip the answers right back. You will be amazed at how much you know and how fast your testimony will grow! To use this “honey” of a deck, you can start with the Quiz-Bee memory cards to see how well you have memorized each of the Article of Faith. Then zip on to the question cards to test your knowledge. If you’re stuck, you can check the answer at the bottom of the card. Then for a super sweet challenge, buzz on to each game card for fun!
Enjoy playing in teams with friends and family, awarding a point per answer. One team can take turns answering until someone on the team misses.
Ways to Find Activities to DOWNLOAD:
1. A-Z INDEX ⇓
2. MENUS (subjects above)
3. Gospel Grab Bag STORE
4. SEARCH for keyword