YOUTH GOAL PLANNER – AGENCY “Hop to it! Agency Actions” to help youth ponder the blessings, responsibilities, and consequences of right choices – great for discussion & lesson topics for Sunday School, Seminary, & family night

AGENCY Planner "Hop to it! Agency Actions"
YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. "Hop to it! Agency Actions. Youth can ponder the blessings, responsibilities, and consequences of choices and actions. Even goals can be written here to represent their Agency-Actions.   Great for Sunday School - Seminary - family night

March 28, 2021 Youth DOCTRINAL CLASS “Why Do I Need the Atonement of Jesus Christ?” for Aaronic Priesthood Quorums & Young Women – Come Follow Me – Lessons (D&C 29), Activities and Goals

WORK & GLORY of God - Moses 1:39
Why Do I Need the Atonement of Jesus Christ? YOUTH CLASSES MARCH 28, 2021 Come, Follow Me DOCTRINAL TOPICS & ACTIVITIES March TOPIC 2 (below) TOPIC 1 ⇐ GO BACK to March 14 How Do the Divine Roles of Men

HEAVENLY FATHER’S PLAN (Blessings) Activity: “Reach for Heavenly Stars” Shining Blessings – Post-and-Present (spiritual blessings)

The PLAN OF HAPPINESS: Reach for the Stars! (Blessing Guessing Game and bookmark)
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. REACH FOR THE STARS! Blessing Guessing Game & bookmark. Youth can learn that Heavenly Father's plan of happiness helps us Reach For the Stars! and obtain His blessings. Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home (family

Agency – Choices – Choose the Right: Scripture Poster, 2 Nephi 2:27, LDS Lesson Activity for: Primary, Youth, and Family Home Evening, “Wherefore, men are free . . . to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men.”

2 Nephi 2:27 scripture poster/card set
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. With this 2 Nephi 2:27 scripture poster/car set youth can memorize "Wherefore, men are free . . .  to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men." SCRIPTURE POSTER / CARDS: 2 Nephi 2:27

CHOOSE THE RIGHT: LDS Lesson: Choosing a Consequence Spin-the-Bottle Game, “Why do the choices I make matter?

Choosing a Consequence spin-the-bottle
ACTIVITIES: 1 and 2 Use for Family Home Evening, Primary Sharing Time, Young Women or Youth, Activity Days* ACTIVITY#1: Choosing a Consequence (Spin-the-Bottle) Game Objective: Before playing the game, explain what agency is and what it means to be responsible for your choices.

PLAN OF SALVATION – AGENCY: LDS Lesson Activity: Agency Actions scripture challenge, Come Follow Me JANUARY: “Why is Jesus important in my life?” FEBRUARY: “What happened in my premortal life?”

PLAN OF SALVATION – AGENCY: LDS Lesson Activity: Agency Actions scripture challenge, Come Follow Me JANUARY: “Why is Jesus important in my life?” FEBRUARY: “What happened in my premortal life?”
YOUTH ACTIVITY. AGENCY ACTIONS scripture challenge. Here the youth can learn those GOOD choices like following Jesus bring us liberty, joy, and eternal life (living with God again). Also, those BAD CHOICES following Satan bring us into captivity, misery, and

Faith – Jesus Christ: LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: Draw Close to Jesus Christ Life Preserver Promises, Come Follow Me

Jesus Is My Savior – Life Preserver Promises poster
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. JESUS IS MY LIFE SAVIOR Life-preserver Promises planner.  This reminds youth that Jesus suffered for our sins (so we can repent) and gave His life for us (so that we might live again); He is our Savior.

PLAN OF SALVATION: LDS Lesson Activity – Earn the Gift of Eternal Life mobile – Premortal Life, Earth Life, Exaltation, Come Follow Me: “Who am I, and who can I become?”

Come Follow Me "Who am I, and who can I become?" ACTIVITY: Earn the Gift of Eternal Life mobile
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Seminary, Sunday School, Primary Sharing Time LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Earn the Gift of Eternal Life (mobile) Premortal Life, Earth Life, Exaltation OBJECTIVE: Have youth create a premortal, earth