HEAVENLY FATHER’S PLAN (Blessings) Activity: “Reach for Heavenly Stars” Shining Blessings – Post-and-Present (spiritual blessings)

The PLAN OF HAPPINESS: Reach for the Stars! (Blessing Guessing Game and bookmark)
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. REACH FOR THE STARS! Blessing Guessing Game & bookmark. Youth can learn that Heavenly Father's plan of happiness helps us Reach For the Stars! and obtain His blessings. Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home (family

Prayer: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, “Lord, I Would Follow Thee” Hymnal 220 – Primary music leader, family home evening

"Lord, I Would Follow Thee" Hymn p. 222, Song Visuals for Primary Music practice songs, LDS Primary, Primary Sharing Time
SONG VISUALS: “Lord, I Would Follow Thee” (Hymns, p. 220) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 26 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue

Choices, Follow Prophet: LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: Righteous Radio 5-Way Tune In tool, Come Follow Me lesson handout

Righteous Radio 5-Way Tune-In Tool
YOUTH ACTIVITY. RIGHTEOUS RADIO slide-guide tool. Youth can TUNE-IN to the Lord's will each day as they: Pray; Study scriptures, Receive the Holy Ghost as they live commandments, and Receive priesthood blessings and a Patriarchal Blessing. Use for Come Follow

FOLLOW THE PROPHET – LDS Lesson Activity: COLOR QUOTE “When we choose to live according to the words of the prophets, we are on the covenant path … .” – McConkie

QUOTE ACTIVITY. ColorQuote COVENANT PATH. Youth can memorize this quote to remind them that following the prophet is a good idea as they speak to God and know the way back to Him. “When we choose to live according to

FOLLOW THE PROPHET – ACTIVITY: Our Prophet Speaks (Why, What, How Choice Cube) – Post-and-Present Activity: for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening

$3.50 Post-and-Present Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home (family home evening)
POST-AND-PRESENT. OUR PROPHET SPEAKS match or choice cube. Play the MATCH game by matching "call-out" messages from our prophet. To deepen the discussion, add the CHOICE CUBE option to the activity. First, choose a "call-out" message and then roll the

Commandments: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, “I Want to Live the Gospel” Children’s Songbook, p. 148 – Primary Music leader, family home evening

I Want to Live the Gospel song visuals
SINGING TIME. "I WANT TO LIVE THE GOSPEL" song visuals. Youth can increase their desire to keep the commandments, follow the plan of the Savior, and do what He wants them to do as they sing this song. Write the

Choices – Consequences: LESSON LIFESAVERS LDS Lesson Activity: Choosing a Consequence Spin-the-Bottle Game, Come Follow Me “Why do the choices I make matter?”

YOUTH ACTIVITY. With this Choosing a Consequence spin-the-bottle game youth can learn that each choice has a consequence: Immediate, Future, or Eternal. USE FOR: Come Follow Me & CHURCH & HOME LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity Choosing a Consequence spin-the-bottle OBJECTIVE: Talk

OBEY COMMANDMENTS: Scooping Up Ice Cream Blessings build-a-cone – Post-and-Present Activity: for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening

Scooping Up Ice Cream Blessings build-a-cone
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. SCOOPING UP ICE CREAM BLESSINGS build-a-cone Youth really get the scoop on all the "sweet" blessings that come from obeying Heavenly Father's "sweet" commandments. For example, if you Teach the Gospel the SWEET blessing is "Feel great joy when

AMIGOS, ESTÁNDARES DEL EVANGELIO: “USTED ES UN MANTENEDOR!, Pesca Para Amigos Fieles” – Actividad Post-y-Presente: para Compartir el Tiempo o la Noche de Hogar Familiar, Tener buenos amigos me ayudará a elegir el derecho. – ENGLISH version: You’re a Keeper: Fishing for Faithful Friends

ALSO IN ENGLISH – see below to download ⇓ Uso para las mujeres jóvenes, los hombres jóvenes, la noche de hogar, el tiempo de participación principal o los días de actividad POST-Y-PRESENTE ACTIVIDAD: ¡USTED ES UN MANTENEDOR! Pescando por los amigos

FRIENDS, GOSPEL STANDARDS: “You’re a Keeper! Fishing For Faithful Friends” – Post-and-Present Activity: for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening, Having good friends will help me choose the right.

GOOD FRIENDS: Sharing TIme Activity "You're a Keeper" Fishing For Faithful Friends
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. YOU'RE A KEEPER: Fishing for Faithful Friends. Help youth choose friends who are faithful in keeping God's commandments and who are trustworthy. They are not judgmental, bullying those who need encouragement. They will learn to stand for right and