YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. JESUS IS MY LIFE SAVIOR Life-preserver Promises planner. This reminds youth that Jesus suffered for our sins (so we can repent) and gave His life for us (so that we might live again); He is our Savior.
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. JEWELS IN MY CROWN Service List. Youth can give up their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God, thus earning their crowning glory and blessings. List ways. YOUTH GOALS & LESSON LIFESAVER ACTIVITY
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL blessings bookmark representing the Vine and Fruit. Youth can know that God knows us from our actions: "By their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew 7:20). The Apostle Jeffrey R. Holland's words are
AGES 1-5 FOLLOW IN JESUS'S STEPS example sandals. Help children learn that Jesus is the perfect example that we can follow. Put on the sandals to walk in His steps as you talk about things Jesus did to live God's
AGES 1-5 ACTIVITY. I CAN FORGIVE OTHERS! poster or coloring page. Children can learn the story of how Joseph who was sold into Egypt, forgave his brothers for selling him as a slave. Joseph was made in charge of the
AGES 1-5. I CAN BE AN EXAMPLE (Like Jesus) poster or coloring page. Children can learn how Jesus treated others and know they can follow His example. The poster reads "I want to be like Jesus." "I will follow Him."
AGES 1-5 JESUS ONCE WAS A LITTLE CHILD: I can be like Jesus. me & Jesus plaque. Children will love posting their paper-doll image next to Jesus to symbolize they want to be like Him. John 13:15 "I have given
LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS IS MY HERO be like Him doorknob sign. Youth can strive to be like Jesus as they: THINK what Jesus would think, SAY what Jesus would say, and DO what Jesus would do. Share scripture stories about
AGES 4-7 I LOVE JESUS word picture story. Children can show their love for Jesus Christ by their actions. Cut out the glue-on stickers and place them to fill in the messages, e.g. "I help my FAMILY (picture) everyday." USE FOR:
AGES 4-7 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Example Candle mobile. Children can follow Jesus as they let their light shine at CHURCH, HOME, and SCHOOL (Matthew 5:14-16) to "light a candle" and put it on "a candlestick" to give light to