Choices: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” – Primary music leader, family home evening

The Wise Man and the Foolish Man song visuals
SINGING TIME. WISE MAN and the FOOLISH MAN song visuals. This Southern folk song reminds us to build our house upon a rock, so when the rains come down and the floods come up the house stands still. The foolish man's

Song Visuals – “Hum Your Favorite Hymn”: LDS Primary Singing Time song visuals – Primary music leader, family home evening

“Hum Your Favorite Hymn”
PRIMARY MUSIC SINGING TIME ACTIVITIES to Motivate Children to Sing "HUM YOUR FAVORITE HYMN" song and activity 16 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) LYRICS & MUSIC FOR THE SONG “HUM YOUR FAVORITE HYMN" IDEAS TO PRESENT THIS SONG: Enjoy teaching the song

Christmas – Jesus Christ’s Birth: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, “Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus” – Primary music leader, family home evening

SONG VISUALS: “Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus”
SINGING TIME. "SAMUEL TELLS OF THE BABY JESUS" song visuals. Youth can sing along to tell of The Book of Mormon Prophet Samuel the Lamanite stands on the wall to tell that Jesus would soon be born. Write the words

CHOICES – CHOOSE THE RIGHT: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, “Stand for the Right” – Primary music leader, family home evening

Stand for the Right song visuals
SONG VISUALS: “Stand for the Right” (Children's Songbook, p. 159) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 13 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue

Song Visuals – “Search, Ponder, and Pray”: LDS Primary Singing Time – Primary music leader, family home evening

Search, Ponder, and Pray song visuals
SINGING TIME. "SEARCH, PONDER, AND PRAY" song visuals. Youth will "love to read the holy scriptures" to "feel the Spirit start to grow within" their "heart" a testimony that they're true. By reading them "the Spirit will guide" them. Be

Song Visuals – “The Lord Gave Me a Temple”: LDS Primary Singing Time – Primary music leader, family home evening

"The Lord Gave Me a Temple" Song Visuals
SINGING TIME. "THE LORD GAME ME A TEMPLE" song visuals. Youth can know that their body is a temple for their spirit while on earth. If they keep their "body clean and pure and habit-free" they can go to the

Song – “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission”: LDS Primary Singing Time song visuals – Primary music leader, family home evening

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission song visuals #Missionary
SINGING TIME. "I HOPE THEY CALL ME ON A MISSION" song visuals. Youth will know that from the time they are very young they are on the Lord's errand to "teach and preach and work as missionaries do." By singing