Faith in Jesus Christ / Testimony: SONG VISUALS “How Firm a Foundation”: LDS Primary Singing Time song visuals – Primary music leader, family home evening, sharing time, Come Follow Me

SINGING TIME. HOW FIRM A FOUNDATION song visuals. Youth can sing along with pictures displayed to memorize this detailed song. For example, "Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed, For I am thy God and will still

CHURCH RESTORATION – Activity: Then-and-Now Match Game – for Doctrine and Covenants Primary Lesson 11: The Restored Church of Jesus Christ Is Organized

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. TRUE CHURCH RESTORED Then-and-Now Match Game. Matching up these THEN-and-NOW images of Jesus Christ's Church, we learn that it is the same NOW after putting back the parts that were lost after His death and the death of

APOSTASY – RESTORATION: Activity: Apostasy Mirror puzzle – for Doctrine and Covenants Primary Lesson 2: The Apostasy and the Need for the Restoration of Jesus Christ’s Church

APOSTASY – RESTORATION: Activity: Apostasy Mirror puzzle – for Doctrine and Covenants Primary Lesson 2: The Apostasy and the Need for the Restoration of Jesus Christ’s Church
  Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men or Youth, Family Home Evening, Primary or Home lessons LESSON LIFESAVER Apostasy Mirror - Puzzle and Teaching Tool OBJECTIVE: To help youth understand that Jesus Christ’s church was taken from the earth because of apostasy

ORDINANCES – RESTORATION – Activity: Ordinance Opportunity Game – for Doctrine and Covenants Primary Lesson 12: Important Ordinances Are Restored

$1.75 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home lesson, family home evening
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. RETURN TO HEAVEN Ordinance Opportunity Game. Study D&C 20:37 with youth to see if they are ready for baptism. Then, play this Game to help them know that is an honor to be baptized and confirmed and

Priesthood: “The Priesthood Is Restored”: LDS Primary Singing Time song visuals – Primary music leader, family home evening

The Priesthood Is Restored song visuals
SINGING TIME. "THE PRIESTHOOD IS RESTORED" song visuals. Youth can know from this song that "The priesthood is restored, The truth made known to man, That God has spoken to the earth, His pow’r is here again." God's priesthood was