YOUTH ACTIVITY. MY TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST journal or Book of Mormon page. Encourage youth to write their testimony to place in their own scriptures or in an investigator's scriptures. Express how the gospel has blessed you and that The
TEENS/YOUTH ACTIVITY: MISSIONARY PREPARATION mirror motivators. Youth can post these skill-making reminders to prepare to teach the gospel: "It's No Bologna You Must Build Your Testimony!" "It's Quite a Thrill to Have a Skill!" "When You Know You Glow!" They
TEACHING TOOL. APOSTASY MIRROR teaching tool. Youth can use this as a teaching tool, to enclose in their scriptures to share. The mirror is the Church of Jesus Christ, with Christ at the top (the nail). The apostles (the pieces of
Use for COME, FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Primary, or "Faith in God" Activity Days LESSON LIFESAVER Activity/Handout Testimony Lost and Found match game ACTIVITY: Create a Testimony Lost-and-Found to show actions that strengthen and weaken a