LESSON LIFESAVERS BUNDLE for TOPIC 5 “Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy?”

Commandments, Sabbath Day, Come Follow Me, SEPTEMBER Theme 5 Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy? 3-Activities KIT-Bundle

Come, Follow Me TOPIC 5 “Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy?”
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually
– Includes:
1) Keeping the Sabbath – Scavenger Hunt & Match Game 
2) Sabbath Day Planner 
3) My Writing Creation Notebook (Gospel Principle – Sabbath Day)

The Lord has given the Sabbath day for our benefit and has commanded us to keep it holy. Observing the Sabbath shows our commitment to honor and worship God and keep our covenants. It will bring us closer to the Lord and to our family. It will give us an eternal perspective and spiritual strength. The Sabbath also allows us to rest from our physical labors and worship the Lord.

– Prepare Yourself Spiritually 
1) What blessings do you enjoy because you keep the Sabbath day holy? How do you know what is and what is not appropriate on the Sabbath? Why is it important that you attend your Sunday meetings?

2) Why is it important that youth understand why we have a Sabbath day? How can you help instill in them a desire to honor the Sabbath day? How can you help the young women determine for themselves which activities are appropriate for the Sabbath day?

Click on Activity Posters to DOWNLOAD Individually ⇓

$3.50 September Lesson 5 Come Follow Me "Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy?" ACTIVITY: Keeping the Sabbath SCAVENGER HUNT or MATCH GAME
$1.75 SABBATH DAY Activity: Sabbath Day Planner
SABBATH: Writing Sabbath day activities or about God's creations
$3.50 Nuts about Family Home Evening CHART

LESSON LIFESAVERS BUNDLE for TOPIC 6 “Why is it important to be honest?” 

$4.00 BUNDLE for Come Follow Me Seminary, Sunday School, Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening

Come, Follow Me TOPIC “Why is it important to be honest?”
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually
– Includes:
1) Are You Miss Honest or Dishonest? Consequences Journal 
2) I’m “Sew” Honest tent-card  
3) Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm 
4) My Future Focus Planner (be honest about choices) 

Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way. When we are honest, we build the strength of character that will allow us to be of great service to God and to others. We are blessed with peace of mind and self-respect and will be trusted by the Lord and others. 

– Prepare Yourself Spiritually 

• What do you think it means to be honest in all things?
• Why do you feel it is important, to be honest?
• How have you or someone you know been affected by the honest or dishonest decisions of others?

• What tests of honesty do the young women face in their lives?
• How can you help them understand that blessings come from being honest in all situations?
• How can you help them have the courage to make honest choices?

Click on Activity Posters to DOWNLOAD Individually ⇓

$1.75 September Lesson 6 Come Follow Me "Why is it important to be honest?" ACTIVITY: Are You Miss Honest or Dishonest? Consequences Journal
$1.75 September Lesson 6 "Why is it important to be honest?" ACTIVITY: I'm "SEW" Honest tent-card
$1.75 September Lesson 6 "Why is it important to be honest?" Activity: Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm

YOUTH goal planner - FUTURE FOCUS

$2.00 September Lesson 2 Come Follow Me "How can I guard my virtue?" Articles of Faith 1:13 - 13th Article of Faith scripture posters and cards

“Why do we pay tithing?” – YOUNG WOMEN – TEEN ACTIVITIES

Paying tithing is a sacred privilege. When we pay tithing we show gratitude for all that God has given us and return to Him a portion of what we have received. Tithing is used to build temples and meetinghouses, translate and publish the scriptures, do missionary and family history work, and in other ways build God’s kingdom on earth.

– Prepare Yourself Spiritually 
• Think about the spiritual and temporal blessings you have received from paying your tithes.
• What experiences have you had that you could share with the young women?
• Why would it be important for young women to pay their tithing?
• How can you teach them the importance of living the law of tithing?

Click on Activity Posters to DOWNLOAD Individually ⇓

$1.75 September Lesson 7 Come Follow Me "Why do we pay tithing?" Activity: Money Mottos to place in wallet
$1.75 September Lesson 7 Come Follow Me "Why do we pay tithing?" Activity: Budget Brainstorm Ideas that make "cents" page
Tithing and Money
$3.50 September Lesson 7 Come Follow Me "Why do we pay tithing?" ACTIVITY: Open the Windows of Heaven POST-AND-PRESENT

Young Women
