SUNDAY SCHOOL & SEMINARY Interactive Activities – SEPTEMBER (week 3) Come Follow Me – Old Testament Lesson 38 “A Marvellous Work and a Wonder” (Isaiah 13-14; 24-30; 35)

  SUNDAY SCHOOL Class "A Marvellous Work and a Wonder" Interactive Activities For Youth       Old Testament LESSON 38 Teaching Sunday School or Seminary, Come Follow Me just got easier with our activities for SEPTEMBER (week #3) Theme:

F, J – INDEX: First Vision, Joseph Smith – Activities for Come Follow Me Primary and Home (family home evening), Ages 2-12 and Teens, Seminary, Sunday School

FIRST VISION Memory Match Game or Tell-the-Story Cards
FIRST VISION • Joseph Smith • Restoration Activities to Make Learning Fun Also, See  • RESTORATION  • BOOK OF MORMON Inspired to read James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" JOSEPH SMITH at age 14

FIRST VISION 200 Year Celebration! Daily Conference Countdown ACTIVITIES (Review of Joseph Smith learning of the true Church through revelation) – The Coming forth of the Book of Mormon and Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

FIRST VISION 200 Year Celebration! Daily Conference Countdown ACTIVITIES (Review of Joseph Smith learning of the true Church through revelation) – The Coming forth of the Book of Mormon and Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
CHURCH RESTORATION 200-Year Celebration Since the First Vision Daily Activities Countdown (this can be done anytime, but was originally for the 2020 April general conference) In the LDS Living Magazine, the Prophet Russell M. Nelson suggested we get ready for

Song – “On a Golden Springtime”: LDS Primary Singing Time song visuals – Primary music leader, family home evening

"On a Golden Springtime" Song Visuals for Primary Music practice songs, LDS Primary, Primary Sharing Time
SINGING TIME. "ON A GOLDEN SPRINGTIME" song visuals. Youth can know that in the springtime Jesus did two important things for us: #1 Resurrection. "Jesus awoke ... the bands of death he broke." #2 The First Vision. With the Father,

Song – “The Sacred Grove”: LDS Primary Singing Time song visuals – Primary music leader, family home evening

"The Sacred Grove" song visuals
SONG VISUALS: “The Sacred Grove” (Children's Songbook, p. 87) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 17 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue cards