SERVICE & TALENTS Activity for Ages 8-11 “Service and Talents” Show poster – Come Follow Me – Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Bible, Sunday School

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home, family home evening
YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. SERVICE & TALENT SHOW planner/poster. Youth will love this to explore their talents: The way they treat others and the things they do. Then draw themselves doing the service as a picture/journal. They might write next to

ACTIVITY: Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent card – Subjects: Christ-centered home, Peacemaker, Strengthen Family

Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent-card
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. HOME IS HEAVENLY When I'm a Peacemaker tent-card. Youth can read out loud the following: I am a peacemaker because • I show love and understanding. • I avoid criticism. • I return good for evil. •