AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY. PRIESTHOOD HEALS bandaid bandelo. Children can wear this to remind them, "When it is sick that I am feeling, I'll let the Priesthood do the healing." Talk about the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood Jesus had
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. "PEACE, BE STILL." Jesus calming the sea ship scene. Remind youth of the scene where Jesus used His priesthood powers (Mark 4:39) to calm the sea. Use the handle on the back of the scene to move
AGES 4-7 PRAYER ANSWERS Yes and No wristbands. Wristbands say "Heavenly Father will answer my prayers YES Because it's ok!" "Heavenly Father will answer my prayers NO Because it's best for me." Heavenly Father knows us and knows what is
AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY: JESUS LOVES ME! mirror message poster. This poster frames a child's face as they peer into the mirror to see themselves reflected there and read, “Jesus loves me!” they will truly feel His love. USE FOR:
AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY. THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS ARE A GREAT TREASURE! sewing-card bookmark. Children can go on a treasure hunt to find this bookmark that includes some yarn to weave through the punched holes. Bookmarks can be placed in
Use For: Come Follow Me, Primary and Home, Sunday School, scripture study, family home evening, and Bible study LESSON LIFESAVER Activity My Valiant Testimony board game TO FIND LESSON: Present Lesson 41 - Primary 6 Manual - Old Testament:
Great for COME FOLLOW ME lessons and Bible study LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: Listen to the Prophet! Noah and the Ark word-search puzzle Present Lesson 8 - Primary 6 Manual - Old Testament: Noah and the Flood (shown below*) OBJECTIVE: The
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study Little LESSON LIFESAVERS I Am Blessed When I Make Right Choices Choices and Consequences match game OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand
Lesson 25 – Samson Old Testament, Ages 8-11 Use For: Primary Lesson, Family Home Evening, Sharing Time TO FIND LESSON: Present Lesson 25 – Primary 6 Manual – Old Testament: Samson. OBJECTIVE: To teach the children that by keeping our covenants, we will
YOUTH ACTIVITY: BE TRUE: FISHING FOR A FRIEND spin-and-tell. Youth learn ways to be a true friend, e.g., tell about yourself, etc. USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary lessons, Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study