GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Book of Mormon CHALLENGE CHART to mark chapters read OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children help the children love and value
AGES 1-5. I THANK HEAVENLY FATHER many thanks mini-book. Children have plenty of things to talk to Heavenly Father about, expressing gratitude for with this flip-through reminder book. There's Family, food, home, pets, health, and friends. Great for Primary, Family
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. SUNDAY IS A SPECIAL DAY Sunday fun box. Children take turns rolling the box and playing these games: #1 Do As I'm Doing Game to roll to block and do the action and others follow. Others follow
AGES 1-5. CHURCH MOUSE MAZE. Children can show moving the mouse through the maze they can be REVERENT AS A MOUSE IN HEAVENLY FATHER'S HOUSE. When they visit the classroom they can raise their hand, listen and learn about Jesus.
LESSON ACTIVITY. I PROMISE ... HEAVENLY FATHER PROMISES ... two-sided puzzle. This puzzle can be folded and glued back to back or left to display open to mix up and match wordstrips as you teach, putting them in place. For