KIDS CAN TEACH and YOUTH CAN TEACH Our TIME-TESTED Post-and-Present games and activities (250 in the series) are ideal for CHURCH and HOME show-and-tell presentations. Most of them are games that make learning fun! HERE'S HOW TO FIND THEM: •
parts 1 and 2 YOUTH CAN TEACH HAPPINESS HAPPY New Year Activities to Make Learning Fun " ... a state of happiness which hath no end." Mormon 7:7 HAPPINESS Activities YOUTH CAN TEACH: PARTS 1-2 (this page) • HAPPY Family (#1-5
YOUTH CAN TEACH Teaching Tools C H R I S T M A S Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ Activities to Make Learning Fun YOUTH CAN TEACH, so please let them teach with you. The best way youth can learn
YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASSES⇒ COME FOLLOW ME Sunday School, Seminary, and family home evening HOW TO FIND AGES 12-16 / TEEN ACTIVITIES: • By subject in the A-Z INDEX • By curriculum found in the 2020 COME FOLLOW ME - Book of Mormon