“Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ” (Moroni 7:41).
The outlines in this unit will help the young women “come unto Christ … and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption” (Omni 1:26). As the young women come to understand the Atonement and its power in their lives, they will gain strength to overcome sin and adversity through the Savior’s grace. They will find peace and healing. Their love for and commitment to the Savior will deepen, and they will feel a greater desire to share their testimony of Him with others.
CONTENTS: 1) Personal Progress Value Experience Planners, 2) Lesson Lifesaver Activities, 3) Mutual Night Activities

Come Follow Me TOPIC 1 What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually – Includes:
1) Change of Heart mobile
2) 1 John 4:14 rebus message
3) I Stand All Amazed sacrament thought card
4) D&C 43:34 – Jesus, Savior of the world
Young Women LESSON OBJECTIVE & REFERENCES: “The Atonement is the sacrifice Jesus Christ made to help us overcome sin, adversity, and death. Jesus’s atoning sacrifice took place in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross at Calvary. He paid the price for our sins, took upon Himself death, and was resurrected. The Atonement is the supreme expression of the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.”
Click on Activity Posters to DOWNLOAD Individually ⇓
TOPIC 1 What is the atonement?
These 5 EXTRA-FUN ACTIVITIES designed by Young Women leaders:
1) Tug at the Heart Strings
2) “Change of Heart” Role-play
3) Your Salvation – Three-Act Play (1 John 4:14)
4) “Remember Me” Last Supper
5) Come Unto Me – Wishing Tree
• Sacrament – Sacred Scripture Search
Come Follow Me TOPIC #2 What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?”
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually – Includes:
1) What Think Ye of Christ? journal
2) Draw Close to Jesus Christ – Life Preserver Promises poster
3) Articles of Faith 1:1 – “We believe in . . . Jesus Christ” scripture poster and card
4) I Know My Savior Lives bookmark
Young Women LESSON OBJECTIVE & REFERENCES: “In order for our faith to lead to salvation, it must be centered in the Lord Jesus Christ. To have faith in Jesus Christ means to trust Him and obey His commandments. Faith is much more than passive belief. We express our faith through action—by the way we live.”
“What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ? What examples of faith in Jesus Christ have you seen? How does faith in Jesus Christ influence your hope for the future?”
Click on Activity Posters to DOWNLOAD Individually ⇓
TOPIC 2 What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?
These 5 EXTRA-FUN ACTIVITIES designed by Young Women leaders:
1) Come Unto Christ – Book Reviews of Jesus
2) Walk & Talk Where Jesus Walked
3) Living Prophets Tell of Jesus
4) Living Bread Baking Contest
5) Prayer Rock Painting
Personal Progress (download Value Experience planner forms below to present in ANYTIME WHEN YOU PRESENT THIS Theme: “The Atonement of Jesus Christ”). Make these a part of your lessons to help young women achieve their goals. To plan Personal Progress Value Nights go HERE.
VIRTUE Value Experience 4 planner “Repent & Partake of the Sacrament Worthily” ⇒
Come Follow Me TOPIC #3 How can repentance help me every day?
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually – Includes:
1) Harvesting My Destiny Garden habit changer
2) Joyful Soul tent card
3) Articles of Faith 1:2 scripture poster and cards
4) Hold Fast to the Lord’s Standards word-find
Young Women LESSON OBJECTIVE & REFERENCES: “Jesus Christ suffered the penalty for our sins so that we can repent. Repentance is a change of heart and mind that brings us closer to God. It includes turning away from sin and turning to God for forgiveness. It is motivated by love for God and a sincere desire to obey His commandments.”
“What experiences have you had with repentance? Without discussing previous sins, how can you share how repenting has helped you become closer to Heavenly Father?”
Click on Activity Posters to DOWNLOAD Individually ⇓
More Activities For:
Come Follow Me TOPIC #3: How can repentance help me every day?
• Eraser Promises Steps-to-Repentance (pencil and bookmark)
TOPIC 3 How can repentance help me every day?
These 5 EXTRA-FUN ACTIVITIES designed by Young Women leaders:
1) Apple Pie Positive Self-talk Seminar
2) Mighty Change of Heart
3) Inner & Outer Beauty – Personality Plus Workshop
4) Talk about the Tree of Life
5) Sing about God’s Plan
• Make Some Obedience Cookies
Come Follow Me TOPIC 4 What is grace?
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or downward individually – Includes:
1) I Stand All Amazed sacrament thought card – also for lesson 1
2) Warm Fuzzy Righteous Reminders
3) Sunshine Repentance doorknob sign
4) The New You! Changing Caterpillar poem poster
Young Women LESSON OBJECTIVE & REFERENCES: “What is Grace? Grace is divine help and strength that we receive through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Through grace, we are saved from sin and death. In addition, grace is an enabling power that strengthens us from day to day and helps us endure to the end. Effort is required on our part to receive the fulness of the Lord’s grace.”
• What does grace mean to you? How has feeling the power of Jesus Christ helped change your life?
Click on Activity Posters to DOWNLOAD Individually ⇓
TOPIC 4 What is grace?
These 5 EXTRA-FUN ACTIVITIES designed by Young Women leaders:
1) “Mirror Tell Me True” Small Acts of Kindness Brainstorm
2) Happiness Gift Scripture Search
3) Progress Path
4) Bring Sunshine into Your Life Workshop
5) Learn that Practice Makes Progress
• Letting Go – Smooth Sailing
• Caterpillars, Butterfly Cookies, Caterpillar Cake
• FHE on Repentance • The Only Thing Constant is Change
• Learn About Change • Develop Strong Habits
• Change Relay/Skit
MARCH “The Atonement of Jesus Christ”