$8.00 INDIVIDUAL WORTH Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages

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Personal Progress INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience Goal Planners/Journals and VALUE NIGHT Motivational Activities

 “Feelings of worth come when a woman follows the example of the Master. Her sense of infinite worth comes from her own Christlike yearning to reach out with love, as He does.” – Russell M. Nelson, “Woman–Of Infinite Worth,” Oct. 1989

$8.00 INDIVIDUAL WORTH Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages

THE INDIVIDUAL WORTH BUNDLE is $8.00 (a 50% discount). KIT Includes: 8 Value Experience goals (including the INDIVIDUAL WORTH Project planner) PLUS the Values Night invitation and certificate
All activities can be downloaded separately (below).

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Night activity plans detailed below.

READY TO COLOR black-and-white planners can get youth started; then once achieved reward them with a colored version to fill and place in their journal/scrapbook.

SOON WE WILL HAVE ALL 8 VALUES (check for links below) ⇓

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience Personal Progress PROJECT PLANNER

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Project Planner - Personal Progress

Personal Progress Motivational Activities:

Individual Worth – VALUE NIGHT

$2.00 INDIVIDUAL WORTH Personal Progress - VALUE NIGHT ACTIVITY 3-D Invitation and Goal Award CertificateInvitation and Certificates: (1) Print the invitation and certificate for each young woman. (2) Color/Cut out images and fill in details. (3) To make the invitation, cut slits on bottom heart section and insert tabs. Then glue and tape the back of tabs to make the pot stand out 3-D. Deliver a week ahead. (4) See #4 below to award certificate.

Goal Planning and Sharing: You’ll need a copy of the Faith—Value Experience #1-7 planners and the Faith Value Project Planner for each young woman (see above to download).

1. Tell young women that we are of infinite worth with our own divine mission we can fulfill. Read Doctrines and Covenants 18:10.
2. Give each young woman a set of Individual Worth—Value Experience #1-7 planners and a Value Project Planner. Review each planner #1-7 title, e.g., #1: “Realize You are a Daughter of Heavenly Father Who Loves You”
3. Suggest that they use the planners as worksheets to plan and carry out their goals and as a journal to record their experiences. They can post them on their mirror as a reminder and store them in a looseleaf notebook.
4. As you present and talk about each Value Experience subject, use the additional LESSON LIFESAVER activities as handouts they can take home to bring more meaning and purpose to their Personal Progress goals on that subject (all detailed below where these additional activities can be downloaded).
5. Award an INDIVIDUAL WORTH certificate and INDIVIDUAL WORTH quilt block and a colored version of the planner/journal to fill in as a keepsake to place in their journal. QUILT COMING SOON 

“FUN WAYS TO TEACH VALUES” Choose one or more of the following activities to motivate goal achievement. As you hand out each planner form you can also handout the activities that will help them learn about and ponder their goal-subject.

Realize You Are a Daughter of Heavenly Father Who Loves You

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience #1 Personal Progress – Realize You Are a Daughter of Heavenly Father Who Loves You

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• #1 Personal Progress Planner ⇓
• Activities to Realize You Are a Daughter of Heavenly Father Who Loves You ⇒

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Finding Joy Monthly Time Capsule  

To Make: Download and print
Objective: Encourage youth to ponder thoughts monthly that will help them find joy and happiness, e.g. Finding Joy in trials and difficulties, e.g., “FINDING JOY in knowing I am a daughter of God.”

INDIVIDUAL WORTH I Am a Daughter of God journal  

To Make: Download and print
Objective: Discover attributes of Heavenly Father reading scriptures.

INDIVIDUAL WORTH ColorQuote on Heavenly Father  

To Make: Download and print
QUOTE tells how Heavenly Father wants us to succeed “gloriously”

Learn about Patriarchal Blessings

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience #2 Personal Progress – Learn about Patriarchal Blessings

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• #2 Personal Progress Planner ⇓
• Activities to Motivate Young Women to Plan and Prepare ⇒

INDIVIDUAL WORTH How can a patriarchal blessing help me? COLOR QUOTE: “Our Heavenly Father did not put us on this earth to fail . . . but to succeed gloriously.” – Elder Richard G. Scott

Build Others Self-Worth

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience #3 Personal Progress – Build Others Self-Worth

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• #3 Personal Progress Planner ⇓
• Activities to Motivate Young Women to Plan and Prepare ⇒

Preparing For My Unique Mission on Earth

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience #4 Personal Progress – Preparing For My Unique Mission on Earth

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• #4 Personal Progress Planner ⇓
• Activities to Motivate Young Women to Plan and Prepare ⇒

Participate in a Performance

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience #5 Personal Progress – Participate in a Performance

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• #5 Personal Progress Planner ⇓
• Activities to Motivate Young Women to Plan and Prepare ⇒

Learn about Your Family History

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience #6 Personal Progress – Learn about Your Family History

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• #6 Personal Progress Planner ⇓
• Activities to Motivate Young Women to Plan and Prepare ⇒

Special Gifts from Heavenly Father

INDIVIDUAL WORTH Value Experience #7 Personal Progress – Special Gifts From Heavenly Father

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• #7 Personal Progress Planner ⇓
• Activities to Motivate Young Women to Plan and Prepare ⇒

Project, Steps, How Felt, How Individual Worth Increased

Give youth the Individual Worth – VALUE PROJECT PLANNER (DOWNLOAD above or below).

IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)

Dragonfly "Missed You" postcard
Dragonfly “Missed You” postcard

$1.75 POSTCARD - Young Women Extras: We Missed You! dragonfly postcard - to post words of encouragement - invitation to attend, fellowshipping youthYOUNG WOMEN EXTRAS

Notes of Encouragement for Young Women –

When a young woman does not attend or she needs encouragement of any kind, a note is always.

More Learning Activities:

INVITING GIRLS TO YOUNG WOMEN: WATCH VIDEO on giving someone a “Heart Attack” (pasting hearts on doors) and having girls invite others to activities. This is about Activity Days girls, however the ideas are great for young women as well. ClickHERE (or watch video below).

MORE NOTECARDS TO ENCOURAGE YOUTH: See ColorQuote notecards beginning in MAY Come Follow Me section. Look for these every month to match the lesson topic. ColorQuote notecards can be sent with a special “we missed you” message from Young Women leaders or class presidents to encourage them to MISSING YOUTH to attend. SAMPLE May Lesson 4 (shown below/right).

$2.00 Quotes to Color - ColorQuotes for May Theme: Prophets and Revelation PRINTABLES, LESSON 1 Why is it important to study the scriptures?, printables, GospelGrabBag.com

Young Women PERSONAL PROGRESS Value Experience Goal Planners/Journals, and Value Nights

Faith Banner PERSONAL PROGRESS Young Women
Divine Nature Banner Personal Progress for Young Women
$8.00 INDIVIDUAL WORTH Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages
$12.00 CHOICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages
$12.00 KNOWLEDGE Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages
Good Works Banner PERSONAL PROGRESS Young Women
VIRTUE Value – Personal Progress – Young Women: Invitation, Certificate, and Goal Planners for Each Value Goal
