Personal Progress FAITH Value Experience Goal Planners/Journals & VALUE NIGHT Motivational Activities
“Day after day, on your path toward your eternal destiny, increase your faith. Proclaim your faith! Let your faith show!” – Russell M. Nelson “Let Your Faith Show” ⇒
This FAITH value BUNDLE is $8.00 (a 50% discount).
KIT Includes: 8 Value Experience goals (including the Faith Project planner) PLUS the Values Night invitation and certificate
All activities can be downloaded separately (below).
FAITH Value Night activity plans detailed below.
READY TO COLOR black-and-white planners can get youth started; then once achieved reward them with a colored version to fill and place in their journal/scrapbook.
SOON WE WILL HAVE ALL 8 VALUES (check for links below) ⇓
FAITH VALUE NIGHT Activity Invitation and Award Certificate (also in the BUNDLE above)
FAITH Value Experience #1 Personal Progress – Faith Grows from Scriptures and Living Prophets
FAITH Value Experience #2 Personal Progress – Principles taught by mother’s of Helaman’s stripling warriors ⇒
FAITH Value Experience #3 Personal Progress – Live Gospel Principles ⇒
FAITH Value Experience #4 Personal Progress – Sacrament ⇒
FAITH Value Experience #5 Personal Progress – Atonement ⇒
FAITH Value Experience #6 Personal Progress – Plan of Salvation ⇒
FAITH Value Experience #7 Personal Progress – Tithing ⇒
Personal Progress Motivational Activities:
Invitation and Certificates: (1) Print the invitation and certificate for each young woman. (2) Color/Cut out images and fill in details. (3) To make the invitation, cut slits on bottom heart section and insert tabs. Then glue and tape the back of tabs to make the pot stand out 3-D. Deliver a week ahead. (4) See #4 below to award certificate.
Goal Planning and Sharing: You’ll need a copy of the Faith—Value Experience #1-7 planners and the Faith Value Project Planner for each young woman (see above to download).
1. Tell young women that we are daughters of Heavenly Father, who loves us. We have faith in His eternal plan, which centers on Jesus Christ, our Savior. Read Alma 32:21.
2. Give each young woman a set of Faith—Value Experience #1-7 planners and a Value Project Planner. Review each planner #1-7 title, e.g., #1: “My Faith Grows as I Learn from the Scriptures and the Living Prophets.”
3. Suggest that they use the planners as worksheets to plan and carry out their goals and as a journal to record their experiences. They can post them on their mirror as a reminder and store them in a looseleaf notebook.
4. As you present and talk about each Value Experience subject, use the additional LESSON LIFESAVER activities as handouts they can take home to bring more meaning and purpose to their Personal Progress goals on that subject (all detailed below where these additional activities can be downloaded).
5. Award a FAITH certificate and FAITH quilt block and a colored version of the planner/journal to fill in as a keepsake to place in their journal. QUILT COMING SOON
“FUN WAYS TO TEACH VALUES” Choose one or more of the following activities to motivate goal achievement. As you hand out each planner form you can also handout the activities that will help them learn about and ponder their goal-subject.
My Faith Grows as I Learn from the Scriptures and the Living Prophets
“The scriptures provide one of the best ways to find our course and stay on it. Scriptural knowledge also provides precious protection. . . . We can gain great knowledge from the scriptures and obtain inspiration through prayers of faith. Doing so will help us as we make daily decisions.” – Russell M. Nelson, “Let Your Faith Show” ⇒
Give youth Faith – Value Experience #1 planner/journal (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• Search and Ponder bookmark ⇒
• I Love to Read the Scriptures bookmark and testimony journal ⇒
FAITH #1 ACTIVITY: Search and Ponder bookmark ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Activity: Give each young woman a Search and Ponder bookmark and review the steps to make scripture reading more meaningful. Ask them to try following these steps each day for one week and share their experiences the following week.
FAITH #1 ACTIVITY: I Love to Read the Scriptures bookmark and testimony journal ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Ask young women to read the scripture assigned on the bookmark for each day, e.g., on Monday, read 2 Nephi 4:15. Then draw a heart shape in the box next to each scripture read. Then write their testimony in the journal on the flipside.
• Challenge Personal Study: Challenge young women to start or continue a personal scripture study program, and pray for the Spirit of the Holy Ghost to guide them as they read.
• Encourage Testimony: Ask them to write their testimony of scripture study on side two of the bookmark.
• A string of Scripture Stories • Scripture Bowl • Scripture Seek and Run
Discover Principles of Faith Taught by the Mothers of Helaman’s Stripling Warriors
Give youth Faith – Value Experience #2 planner/journal (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• Kindly Forgive – Ephesians 4:32 bite-size memorize and peace rose bookmark ⇒
FAITH #2 ACTIVITY: Kindly Forgive: Ephesians 4:32 rebus scripture and peace rose ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Role-play forgiving situations. Divide young women into two groups to role-play situations where forgiveness is needed and how the other person forgives. Talk about how a situation might turn out if someone did not forgive. How would they feel in days, weeks, months, and years to come?
FAITH #2 ACTIVITY: It’s Time for a Change – goal cards ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Young women can change their present environment by (1) Writing on change cards what they want to change about your environment (e.g., your room, use of time, personal attitudes, types of media presentation, cleanliness). (2) Slip cards inside the “diaper.”
Teach Others How Faith Helps Us Live Gospel Principles
Give youth Faith – Value Experience #3 planner/journal (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
FAITH #3 ACTIVITY: Sabbath Day planner ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Have young women think of how they are measuring up on their Sabbath day activities. Are the activities spent in doing good? Are they spiritually uplifting? Would Jesus do these activities on the Sabbath? Write preparations for the Sabbath and desired Sabbath activities on the planner.
FAITH #3 ACTIVITY: Try Fasting with PIZZA match game and door hanger ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Put together the pizza puzzle to play the game. Young women can read Doctrine and Covenants 88:76 and be challenged to fast and pray each fast Sunday with a purpose. Encourage them to attach this doorknob reminder to their bedroom door or post on the refrigerator to remind them to fast.
Learn More About the Sacrament
Give youth Faith – Value Experience #4 planner/journal (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• ColorQuote “As we honor our covenants … .” poster, journal page, note card ⇒
To Make: Download and print
FEATURED QUOTE “But as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we strive ever more consistently to do good and become better, we can walk with the confidence that God will guide our steps.” – Elder David A. Bednar
To Make: Download and print
FEATURED QUOTE “Covenants with God help us know who we really are. They connect us to Him in a personal way through which we come to feel our value in His sight and our place in His kingdom.” – Jean A. Stevens, “Covenant Daughters of God,” October 2014 General Conference
Increase Understanding of the Atonement
Give youth Faith – Value Experience #5 planner/journal (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• I Stand All Amazed sacrament thought card ⇒
• What think ye of Christ? journal ⇒
FAITH #5 ACTIVITY: I Stand All Amazed sacrament thought card ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
- Read D&C 20:75 and Mosiah 5:7 to learn of actions that help you grow closer to the Savior.
- Write feelings and thoughts of Jesus Christ on the back of the thought card.
FAITH #5 ACTIVITY: What think ye of Christ? journal ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Follow instructions to have young women write their thoughts about the Savior on the journal page twice (before pondering the scripture cards and 2 months after). Compare testimonies.
Learn about the Plan of Salvation
Give youth Faith – Value Experience #6 planner/journal (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• Puzzled about Eternal Life? word-find ⇒
• Color Quote: “Our Heavenly Father did not put us on this earth to fail … .” poster, journal page, note card ⇒
FAITH #6 ACTIVITY: Puzzled about Eternal Life? word-find ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Help youth review the five ways we can obtain the celestial kingdom with this fun connected word-find. Answers: 1) Keep the commandments. 2) Endure to the end. 3) Believe in Jesus Christ. 4) Be spiritually minded. 5) Be married in the temple.
To Make: Download and print
FEATURED QUOTE “Our Heavenly Father did not put us on this earth to fail . . . but to succeed gloriously.” – Elder Richard G. Scott
Learn about the Commandment of Tithing
Give youth Faith – Value Experience #7 planner/journal (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• My Cash Commitment envelopes and Windows of Heaven scripture chase ⇒
FAITH #7 ACTIVITY: Mind Your Money Game ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Help young women learn how to budget and save money. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10–11). Pay your tithing and begin saving for a mission.
FAITH #7 ACTIVITY: My Cash Commitment envelopes and Windows of Heaven scripture chase ⇒ READ MORE
To Make: Download and print
Learn how to budget and save money (discussing faithful tithe paying 3 Nephi 24:10-11). Then have a scripture chase to learn promises from faithfully paying our tithing (Malachi 3:10).
Project, Steps, How Felt, How My Understanding of Faith Increased
Give youth the Faith – VALUE PROJECT PLANNER (DOWNLOAD above or below).
IDEAS TO MOTIVATE GOAL ACHIEVEMENT (to search and ponder the subject)
• Teach Children Primary Songs about Faith or Prayer ⇒
• Perfect Brightness of Hope mood-changer Post-and-Present ⇒
FAITH PROJECT IDEA: Teach Children Primary Songs using song visuals to download here – click on the desired song(s):
• A Child’s Prayer (CS, 12-13)
• Dearest Children, God is Near You (CS 96)
• Faith (CS, 96-97) – shown below (to download instantly) ⇒
• I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Hymns, 136)
• I Pray in Faith (CS, 14)
Present a PRIMARY SHARING TIME or a FAMILY HOME EVENING on Faith: A Perfect Brightness of Hope mood-changer Post-and-Present ⇒ (download below or on
Notes of Encouragement for Young Women –
When a young woman does not attend or she needs encouragement of any kind, a note is always.
More Learning Activities:
INVITING GIRLS TO YOUNG WOMEN: WATCH VIDEO on giving someone a “Heart Attack” (pasting hearts on doors) and having girls invite others to activities. This is about Activity Days girls, however the ideas are great for young women as well. ClickHERE (or watch video below).
MORE NOTECARDS TO ENCOURAGE YOUTH: See ColorQuote notecards beginning in MAY Come Follow Me section. Look for these every month to match the lesson topic. ColorQuote notecards can be sent with a special “we missed you” message from Young Women leaders or class presidents to encourage them to MISSING YOUTH to attend. SAMPLE May Lesson 4 (shown below/right).