For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activities
Heavenly Father Gave Me Talents
Practice makes “purr”-fect! Talent Tally
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children recognize that Heavenly Father has given each of us talents and He wants us to use our talents. We should not be afraid to use our talents. If we do not use our talents they will be taken away.
ACTIVITY: Talent Tally
This Tally helps children add up their talents and practice them each day Monday—Sunday. They can walk their cat on this catwalk, moving the cat along on a string each day to remind them that “practice makes ‘purr’-fect as they practice every day.
1. Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity.
2. Poke a hole in the left and right side on the “X”. Run string through both holes and tie in front so there is no lag in the string.
3. Tape the cat over the knot and show how it moves back and forth, Monday through Sunday.
THOUGHT TREAT “Purr”-fect Bread. Form bread dough into the shape of a cat and bake at 375° for 10–15 minutes. Thread three black threads through the cat’s mouth with a needle and clip ends. As children eat the cat-shaped bread, pull out thread (cat’s whiskers) one at a time and name three talents they want to develop and someday make “purr”-fect.
For the Heavenly Father Gave Me Galents talent tally
The above activity illustrates the TEACHER PRESENTATION in the lesson to learn that we should be like the two servants Jesus told about in His Parable of the Talents and use our talents to make more, not like the one servant who buried his talents.
The “talents” in the Parable are money, but Jesus wants us to use our talents (things we can do) to serve others, and our talents will grow, like in the Parable.
In the LESSON (HERE), see the STORY AND DISCUSSION about Heber J. Grant and how he developed his talents.
• Peacemaker Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9)
For the next three talents see Story and discussion about Heber J. Grant
• Physical abilities, e.g., Story of Heber J. Grant who wanted to throw the ball, but could not throw it very far. Day after day he “practiced.”
• Good handwriting “What happened to Heber because he practiced?”
Each time they try something, it gets easier and easier. Soon they will purr with delight that they have developed a talent, such as these (DOWNLOAD the activities to match that follow):
• Being kind to others
DOWNLOAD Kindness Begins with Me – Upside-Down Turn-‘Em-Around Post-and-Present Activity (HERE or below).
• Helping at home
DOWNLOAD I Will Be a Serv”ant” toss and tell (HERE or below)
• Learning to read
• Drawing, painting, creating something
• Paying an instrument
• Cleaning up their room
• Taking care of their pets
DOWNLOAD Serving Animals cat and dog care spoon (HERE or below).
These are not available online due to copyright. They are only available in books and CD-ROMs. See TO MAKE section above for details.