CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. CHOOSE THE RIGHT slap game. Children learn to CHOOSE THE RIGHT as they slap the right side of the board after reading situations that show the right choices. These choices make them HAPPY. They can slap the left side when the choices are wrong making them SAD. Make two boards and teams stand face to face. Next time they can invent slap situations.
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
Choose The Right slap game
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that we can choose the right because Heavenly Father gave us agency.
Help children make righteous choices by taking turns slapping the smile with their right hand if the choice is right, or left hand if the choice is wrong (making you sad). Play individually or compete in teams.

Choose the Right Slap Game
Help children make righteous choices. As you read the choices below, children can take turns slapping the frown with their left hand if the choice is wrong, or slapping the smile with their right hand if the choice is right. This way they can know to do as Heavenly Father would want them to do—to choose the right. These situations below apply mostly when children are at church. You can make up other situations they might do at home, e.g., “I clean my room without out being asked.” See CHOICES AT CHURCH below*.
1. Print, color, and cut out the slap pads.
2. Read from the list below*: CHOICES AT CHURCH (or make up other choices for SCHOOL and HOME) below to read so children can slap the pads to vote if choices are right or wrong–making you happy or sad.
Make up other choices for SCHOOL and HOME.
*GOING TO CHURCH CHOICES: • I come to Primary. • I thank my teacher. • I poke my friend instead of folding my arms. • I sing when asked to sing in Primary. • I say, “Excuse me.” • I keep my eyes open when the prayer is said. • I bring a friend to Primary. • I yell in the chapel. • I whisper to a friend during the sacrament. • I push a friend away from the fountain. • I walk quietly going to my classroom. • I wait for my turn to have a treat. • I laugh when another child falls down. • I raise my hand in class before talking. • I make noises during class. • I sing in my best voice. • I help the teacher with an activity. • I fold my arms. • I laugh and make fun of someone in class. • I say, “Please” when I need help. • I listen quietly when my teacher tells a story. • I choose the right.
For the CHOICES: HAPPY OR SAD? Choose the Right slap game
The above activity illustrates the SUMMARY in the lesson below* to: Give a thumbs-up to choices that Jesus would make. Or, give a thumbs-down to choices Satan would have them do. Here you can vote by slapping the SAD or HAPPY to make your vote on the actions that bring sadness or joy.
Have them sing the song “Choose the Right Way” or “Choose the Right,” or “Stand For Right.“ DOWNLOAD the song visuals below to teach these songs (shown right).
Have children memorize John 15:11 (DOWNLOAD here or below): “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”
I can be happy when I live the way Jesus taught.
Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount to 5,000 people who wanted to listen to His teachings.
You can read His Sermon in Matthew 5:3-12.
Think about His teachings of what #1 What we must do to be blessed, and #2 how we will be blessed. He said in His Sermon: “Blessed are the” … Listen as you learn how our actions can make us blessed or happy.
IDEAS: “meek,” and another would say “inherit the earth” (verse 5). Let the children match the qualities and the blessings. Ask the children to pick one of the qualities in these verses that they want to develop.
DOWNLOAD the BEATITUDE ACTIVITIES that follow to add to and enhance your lessons on actions that will make us happy.