For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
Heavenly Father helps us obey. Nephi and family ship scene
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that Heavenly Father and Jesus will help them obey the commandments.
ACTIVITY: Nephi’s Ship Puzzle Scene
Using the scene tell the story of Nephi’s obeying Heavenly Father by building a ship to sail to the promised land of America (1 Nephi 3:7; 17; 18:1-4). The figures in this lesson are also in the lesson suggested below*. Display the figures inside the boat pocket as you tell the story found in these scriptures.
ACTIVITY: Nephi’s Ship Puzzle Scene
Use the scene to tell the story of Nephi’s obeying Heavenly Father by building a ship to sail to the promised land of America (1 Nephi 3:7; 17; 18:1-4). The figures in this lesson are also in the lesson suggested below*. Display the figures inside the boat pocket as you tell the story found in these scriptures.
TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Mount puzzle pieces to create a ship scene on an 8½” x 11″ sheet of light blue cardstock paper. Mount only the bottom and sides of the ship, leaving the top open—creating a pocket. Cut figure tabs to display family in the boat.
THOUGHT TREAT: Boat Treats. Option 1: Banana Boat (cut open a small banana and sprinkle miniature chocolate chips in the center) Option 2: Peanut Butter Celery Boat (cut a 3″ piece of celery and fill with the peanut butter)