AGES 4-7. SHOWING LOVE TO PARENTS O”bee”dience Meter Children can learn with this meter to be obedient, trustworthy, a listener, loving, cheerful, and helpful. As they turn the dial they can say, “I can “bee” ______ to show love to Mom and Dad. The window opens to the smiling bee faces that tell how they can show love to a parent or grandparent.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Showing Love to Parents
O”bee”dience Meter
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children learn to show love for their fathers and mothers by being obedient and helpful.
They can share ways they have obeyed their parents. Ways: • trustworthy
• a listener • loving • cheerful • helpful • obedient
TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Punch a hole in wheel and bee meter and attach a metal or button brad. To make a button brad, sew two buttons together on opposite sides (threading thread through the same hole) to attach wheel parts.
THOUGHT TREAT: Honey Bee Bread. Whip honey with butter (equal parts) to make honey butter to spread on bread, rolls, or crackers. Remind children that honey is sweet, and it is sweet of them to obey their parents.
• Present Lesson 39 – Primary 3 Manual – CTR-B: Showing Love for Our Parents. Review the enrichment activity 2 (p. 195) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.
SONGS TO SING using song visuals you can download:
• Love Is Spoken Here
• Love One Another
• Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth