AGES 1-5 JESUS ONCE WAS A LITTLE CHILD: I can be like Jesus. me & Jesus plaque. Children will love posting their paper-doll image next to Jesus to symbolize they want to be like Him. John 13:15 “I have given you an example …” The picture can be hung on the wall with yarn as a reminder each day.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, and Daily Scripture Devotionals
Jesus once was a little child.
I can be like Jesus. picture of me and Jesus plaque
Nursery Lesson 19:
I Can Be Happy
Click the following to find Nursery 19 Lesson 19 – I Can Be Happy in the Behold Your Little Ones manual.
OBJECTIVE: Tell children that Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, so He wants us to follow His son Jesus and be like Him. His plan of salvation is often called the “great plan of happiness” (Alma 42:8). We will have trials in life, but we must face them cheerfully and help others be happy like Jesus did.

CRAFT ACTIVITY – Be Happy Like Jesus – Picture of Jesus and Me
1. Print or copy the activity. Children can cut out the boy or girl to place their own image next to Jesus. Talk about how Jesus once was a little child. I can be like Jesus (John 13:15). Punch at the top and tie yarn to hang.
2. Talk about ways children can be happy as we follow Jesus’s example. See four ways to follow Jesus* (listed below).
THOUGHT TREAT: Footprint graham crackers. Frost a footprint on top of graham crackers. Tell children that Jesus loves us, and He wants us to follow Him, to live as He did. FOUR *WAYS TO FOLLOW JESUS:
1. He wants us to be kind (have children, take a step forward).
2. He wants us to share our toys (take another step).
3. He wants us to help pick up our toys (take another step).
4. He wants us to obey (take another step).
SINGING for I Can Be Happy Nursery Lesson 29 Sing: “Jesus Once Was a Little Child (DOWNLOAD song visuals below) and “Jesus Said Love Everyone”(Children’s Songbook, 55, 61)
Click HERE to find 19b POSTER activity for this same lesson – Nursery Lesson 19: I Can Be Happy (shown right/below).
Click HERE to find 20a CRAFT activity for the next Nursery 20: I Will Be Reverent.
Click HERE to find 20b POSTER activity for the Nursery 20: I Will Be Reverent.
Click HERE to find 18a CRAFT activity for the previous Nursery lesson 18: I Will Love Others.
Click HERE for Nursery lessons 1-30.