YOUTH TOAL PLANNER. MY FUTURE FOCUS planner. Tell youth that they can focus on a positive future by making decisions about critical issues ahead of time. They can write in the right column what they are willing to give up or do (be honest or make good choices) to obtain what is listed in the left column, e.g., “Have my parents trust me.”
FOR YOUTH Come Follow Me, CHURCH & HOME, Seminary, Sunday School, and Midweek Activities for youth
My Future Focus Planner
Review the “Building Integrity” article in the New Era, July 1999, page 15. This article of Joseph’s personal integrity and how it helped him make righteous choices even in difficult situations, tells us ways that we can practice integrity (e.g., “Never let anyone persuade you to do something you know is wrong”).
Joseph is portrayed in his running from the temptation of Potiphar’s wife. “Joseph’s integrity helped him make righteous choices even in difficult situations.” Because he chose to be pure ahead of time, he was able to resist the temptation when it came (Genesis 39:6–13).

TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
Review the “Building Integrity” article in the New Era, July 1999, page 15. This article of Joseph’s personal integrity and how it helped him make righteous choices even in difficult situations, tells us ways that we can practice integrity (e.g., “Never let anyone persuade you to do something you know is wrong”).
Joseph is portrayed in his running from the temptation of Potiphar’s wife. “Joseph’s integrity helped him make righteous choices even in difficult situations.” Because he chose to be pure ahead of time, he was able to resist the temptation when it came (Genesis 39:6–13).
Lesson 32: Personal Purity through Self-Discipline
Jeffrey R. Holland, “Personal Purity,” New Era, Feb. 2000, 4–7.
Bruce C. Hafen, “The Gospel and Romantic Love,” New Era, Feb. 2002, 10–14.
Caroline H. Benzley, “Be Clean,” New Era, July 2002, 12–15.
DISCIPLINED (Talent) DEMOS: Ask youth to share their talents in a talent night or invite someone with a particular talent to tell how having discipline helped develop this talent. Tell youth that permissive or careless behavior brings loss of freedom and failure, while disciplined or correct behavior brings freedom or success. Encourage them to develop their character by saying “no” to permissive or careless behaviors. Have them write down (anonymously) something they struggle with (sleeping too much, telling lies, gossiping, not eating right, not exercising enough, not doing school work, not practicing music, etc.) Share an area that you need to work on, recognizing that we all have weaknesses. Place papers in a container and mix them up, then read them aloud and discuss them. Tell youth that the key to success is to let the Spirit guide them. Challenge them to do this the rest of the week to help them cultivate disciplined behaviors. Follow up with their progress on Sunday.
MODEL HOME SHOW: Invite an architect or building contractor to speak to the young women. If possible take them to the house or model home. Have the builder tell about the process of developing his or her talent and exerting the self-discipline required for this endeavor.
Source YW1.32