YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. EXTENDED FAMILY CLOSENESS: Be a Friend checklist and postcard. Youth can send this “You’re a STAR of the family!” postcard to an extended family member with a note of admiration and friendship. Then, use the FAMILY CLOSENESS CHECKLIST for ideas to gather that family member closer.
GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
Extended Family – Closeness checklist & postcard
Description: Youth can make time for extended family to include them in their circle of love. Use checklist-card to plan activities and send postcard with a love note to family member.
If they begin now to develop strong family ties, especially with their extended family, they will not be alone if and when they are separated from their immediate family. They will have someone they can call or communicate with when they are in need, and someone they can serve.

Steps to Become Close to Extended Family:
1. Plan. Use the “I will be a friend to extended family” checklist to plan what you will do to become close to that chosen family member.
2. Schedule Activities. Circle or highlight several things you wish to do in the following year to become close to that person. Schedule these actions on a calendar this week.
3. Send Postcard. Begin by sending this extended family member a postcard. Decorate the front, write a quick note, and send it off this week!
4. Do family history. Write in journals and search for names to take to the temple to do temple work for those who have passed on.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Priesthood Power Cupcakes. Display 15 frosted cupcakes in the center of the table with the letters PRIESTHOOD POWER written in frosting on top (one letter per cupcake). Remind young women that this power given to worthy men can bless our lives.
MUTUAL NIGHT, Family Night, Sunday School, Seminary ACTIVITIES

GRAMMY AWARD NIGHT: Have the youth create a potluck dinner for a grandmother or grandfather. Have them spotlight the grandparent and award them with a Grammy Award cookie or a homemade certificate. The cookie could be a graham-cracker they write “Grammy Award.” If grandparents are not close by they could invite a senior from the ward/branch. You could create an ice cream bar and make round graham-cracker cookies or other cookies to fill with ice cream (GO HERE for ideas). Or, create a Queen or King for a Day! activity (shown) to entertain seniors (go HERE to download).
“RELTIVE”-LY FUN NIGHT: Create a fun night for youth to bring one of their favorite relatives they are close to. Take time to introduce the relative and allow them to share with the group special moments.
ORGANIZE FAMILY GREETING CARDS: Create greeting card storage pockets that youth can store their greeting cards months ahead to send to relatives. They can contact relatives to learn of their birth-day dates and make homemade cards to send.
To Create 12 Pockets (and label each with the month January – December): Cut an 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper (cardstock) in thirds. Glue the bottom and sides of the 1/3 sheet of paper to an 8 1/2″ x 11″ inch sheet of cardstock paper (only gluing the sides and bottom, leaving the top open. Three-hole punch pockets to place in a looseleaf binder. Youth can use 3″ x 5″ cards to place inside pockets to remind them of who they want to send cards for holidays, birthdays, etc. This is a great place to put “thank you” cards and “get well” cards ready to send. They also may want to have a special pocket for these addresses, stamps, and supplies to make greeting cards. Maybe get together as a group to make these ahead, sharing ideas.
FAMILY PHOTO SHARING: Have the youth bring some favorite family photos to show and tell about their extended family as they show photos. Ask them to tell one or two reasons why they love this extended family member; maybe even share how they have influenced them to make the right choices. Remind them that as they show their love to extended family members, they will create lasting memories they can share with their children and write about in their journals for posterity.
• FEBRUARY Lesson 6 “How can I find comfort when someone I care for dies?”
• AUGUST Lesson 7 “How can I strengthen my family?
• OCTOBER Lesson 2 “How can I develop Christlike love?”
• DECEMBER Lesson 1 “How can I invite others to come unto Christ?”