YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. WISE CHOICES Thumbs Up or Down game. Youths cannot always know the consequences of their decisions unless they think ahead. With this voting game they can. Toss a coin or button onto the board and then tell the good or bad consequence of that decision. Voting can help them think ahead like Joseph tempted by Potiphar’s wife, knowing ahead of time what would happen if he stayed … he ran! (Genesis 39)
USE FOR COME FOLLOW ME Youth Goals, Sunday School, Young Women, Young Men classes, and family home evening
Wise Choices: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down game
OBJECTIVE: Help youth understand that the consequences of their actions are not always immediate but they can affect their lives. With this game, they can vote if the choices are right or wrong and tell the consequences for making each choice.
Markers: Supply a button or coin for each marker.
To Play:
1. Lay the game board on a flat surface.
2. Have youth take turns throwing a button or penny onto the game board.
3. When the button or penny lands on a choice, have all youth say or show thumbs up if the choice is right and thumbs down if the choice is wrong.
4. Have the one who tossed the button or penny tell a good or bad consequence for making that good or bad choice.
5. Keep playing until the time is up (e.g., 15 minutes).
6. Youth can take the game home to share with their family.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.

TESTIMONY SHARING: Ask youth to share their testimony on the following. Click on the following website objective to introduce the testimony sharing (that follows): How can I be in the world but not of the world? “Where once the standards of the Church and the standards of society were mostly compatible, now there is a wide chasm between us, and it’s growing ever wider” (Thomas S. Monson, “Priesthood Power,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 66). The Lord wants us to remain true to His standards and not partake of the evils of the world. At the same time, He expects us to be a good influence on those around us.”
Source YW2.35
THOUGHT TREAT: (Thumbs-Up Thumbprint Cookies). Press your thumb into a ball of sugar-cookie dough and bake. Tell youth that thumbs-up means “good going.” Let’s try each day to make thumbs-up choices.
“Where Will I Be?” FUTURE FOCUS: Help youth project into the future their choices so they will not be of the world.
. Project Choices: Project youth into the future with the choices they could make, e.g., live your life with the end in mind. Read the part of Steven Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Effective People (p. 96-99) about going to your own funeral. Have them ponder these questions: Where will I be if . . . ?, how will I look if . . . ? and what will I be if . . . ? Ask questions: Do we marry the people we date? “What Do I Have to Say About Myself” – (see video: Funeral Exersice by Dr. Stephen Covey (from “The 7 Habits”).
. Project into the Future with These Situations: – You choose to marry a nonmember. – You choose to marry an active member. – You choose to marry a less-active member. – What if I don’t live the Word of Wisdom? – What will my life be like if I wear immodest clothing?
. Try to see the End Result of Choices: Tell them that when you pick up a stick the other end comes with it. Read Alma 48:11-18 (a description of a future companion). Keep in mind that youth should achieve these traits as well if they are to attract a future companion they admire. Have people who have experienced good and bad choices talk to them.
• FEBRUARY Lesson 4 “Why do the choices I make matter?”
• SEPTEMBER Lesson 1 “How can I be in the world but not of the world?”
• SEPTEMBER Lesson 2 “How do I guard my virtue?”