OBJECTIVE: Discuss with youth ways to prevent the spread of disease-causing microorganisms and reasons it is important with this Be Free of Disease! unseen fiend find.
To Do Puzzle: Discover 11 ways to keep those unseen fiends from causing you problems! Write your answers on the border.
Answers: (1) Clean the house regularly. (2) Protect food by keeping it covered and refrigerated. (3) Wash food. (4) Wash hands. (5) Brush teeth to prevent decay. (6) Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing. (7) Protect your feet from germs in the ground. (8) Eat properly and get enough rest. (9) Make sure milk, water, and food are safe to eat. (10) Immunize. (11) Obey the law of chastity.
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Salad Share–Food Prep Demo. Demonstrate the preparation of various kinds of food, e.g., cutting meat and cleaning off the board with hot soapy water, washing your hands before preparing the food, washing fruit and vegetables, rinsing lettuce to remove bugs that may cause disease. Foods you prepare could all be placed in a salad adding dressing to share.
GUEST SPEAKER: Have guest speakers come who have lost loved ones or close friends to cancer, emphysema, AIDS, liver disease, heart attack, stroke, etc. They can share what it was like to see their loved ones in their condition. Talk about their experiences as they assisted them and saw someone care for them. Talk about what might have been done to prevent the illness. Was it genetic? What could have been done to avoid the illness? Talk about ways to prevent disease through diet, exercise, mental and spiritual wellness, etc.
“TASTY” TASTING TABLE TALK: Have youth bring healthy food sharing how it nourishes the body. Place items on a tasting table with cards telling nutrition facts, e.g., “Carrots are good for the eyes and help prevent night blindness.” Visit a produce store that has an educational program on nutritious foods so youth can learn about fruit and vegetables and how to prepare them. Elementary schools often go to stores on field trips, and some companies, like Dole Pineapple, sponsor these kinds of programs. You could also ask your Relief Society homemaking leaders to give a demonstration on nutritious food, or a representative from the 4-H or a government agency could provide a demo.
• NOVEMBER Lesson 5 Why does the Lord want me to be healthy?