Faith in God Activity Days – Serving Others Goal 5:
Babysitting Basics
(Part 1 of 2)
Entertain young children with songs or games you have learned or made yourself.
(Part 2 of 2)
Show that you know how to care for and protect a young child.
Invite Activity Days youth to this activity using invitation.
Other Uses For This Same Invitation: Use to invite youth to visit a real farm where real “wooley” sheep are present.
Print, fill out, and give invitations to youth a week ahead. Have the more active youth personally deliver the invitation to those who are not attending.
• See matching THOUGHT TREATS below each activity.
• Have youth share their favorite recipes with you and you could make them during Activity Days or have them make them ahead to share.
• With the Activity Days budget have youth help you plan treats ahead for the next activity – hopefully, treats that go along with the goal or lesson theme.
Part 1 – Entertain young children with songs or games you have learned or made yourself.
Old McDonald Song and Game (Music and Visuals)
Print, color, and cut out the Old McDonald Had a Farm song sheet and the Old McDonald song and game visuals.
• Old McDonald Song Visuals: Use them to teach children this song, placing visuals on sticks for children to hold.
• Old McDonald Game Visuals: With a safety pin, pin a “farmer” or “animal” visual on the back of each child and have them imitate their animal while playing the game.
• To Set Up Game: Place a 1-foot paper circle in the center of the room (a safe spot where one child can stand). Form boundary lines outside the circle with strings to make a corral so “animals” don’t go too far from the circle.
• To Play Game: Have “animals” (players) run around the circle to keep away from the “farmer” (another player who tries to tag them). To be safe, “animals” can stand in the center spot for 3 seconds. When caught, the “animal” becomes the “farmer,” and they switch signs and roles.

Part 2 – Show that you know how to care for and protect a young child.
Babysitting Basics (poster) and
Ducks-in-a-Row (emergency list)
Print and color the Barnyard Babysitting Basics Poster and Get Your Ducks-in-a-Row Emergency List.
• (Poster): Memorize these basics to be a good sitter.
• (Emergency List): Write important things to remember while interviewing parents before they leave.
THOUGHT TREAT: (Barnyard Bread Sticks). Purchase ready-made bread-stick dough or bread dough (to rising) and form into animal shapes. Bake according to directions. Decorate bread sticks by squirting processed cheese from the can to create barnyard animals. Add candies or vegetables to help decorate.
Thought: Review the Babysitting Barnyard Basics as you eat.

More Activity Day Activities:
• NEXT activity: Serving Others – Goal 6
• PREVIOUS activity: Serving Others – Goal 4
• TABLE OF CONTENTS: Serving Others – Goals 1-10
Shop STORE for more Activity Days activities like this one, or access them from the ACTIVITY Days menu above. |
for Serving Others – Goal 5:
• Theme #2: Stranger Danger (Stranger Danger Game to learn safety)
• Theme #3: Teddy Bear Party (Teddy bear name tag and snack sack, GAMES/FAVOR/FOOD: Pin the Nose on the Bear, Pin the Bee on the Bear’s Nose, Bear Paw Fishing, Teddy Bear Hug Relay, Teddy Bear hat, Teddy Bear food)
• Theme #4: Splish-Splash Water Fun (Eight games of Splish-Splash Fun)